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Employee Relations

Variable pay strategy: Teach workers to ‘manage the boss’

The biggest trend in employee compensation is pay-for-performance. In many organizations, less employee pay is fixed; more is contingent on performance. In reality, too few managers do what’s necessary to make pay-for-performance work. Solution: Teach the employees to “manage the boss.”

Note all details that went into your decision to discipline an employee

Always record the details of your disciplinary decisions at the time you make them. Document as if you are assuming that litigation will result from every disciplinary act.

Government employees don’t check their Constitutional rights at the workplace door

Public employees don’t lose their First Amendment free speech rights when they take a government job. Their employer can’t punish them for speaking out on matters of public importance.

5 tips to handle tough conversations

Conducting tough conversations with employees and co-workers is inevitable. However, if you follow these guidelines, you can prevent arguments—and get the results you want.

Document performance problems even if they are not serious enough to warrant discipline


Sometimes, an employee’s performance problems may not seem serious enough to warrant a formal performance improvement plan. However, you should be sure to document the problems anyway. Those records will be useful if you later have to terminate someone for economic reasons.

Workplace politics fueled by gossip and rumors


A new survey shows that most believe office politicking is alive and well in the workplace.

Political talk causing turmoil at work

A new survey reports increasing tension, hostility or arguments among co-workers because of political affiliation.

Social media functions like today’s coffee break

It’s no secret that plenty of employees spend at least some of the workday visiting social media sites, either on their office computers or their smartphones.

Three investigation lessons learned from a political controversy

Another day, another political scandal involving a politician accused of having an extramarital affair. Consider the recently exposed allegedly improper relationship between Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley and a top female aide.

Run this anti-theft checklist to secure property

Employers must have clearly defined anti-theft policies to combat the problem. These guidelines can help you implement a no-theft policy at your organization.