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Employee Relations

Tired of serial complainer’s constant gripes? Investigate every allegation anyway


It can be annoying to have to deal with constant unfounded complaints from an employee who seems to take offense at everything. That doesn’t mean you can ignore him.

Workflex in the 21st Century Act may modernize ERISA


New legislation would allow employers to create an ERISA plan, known as a qualified flexible workplace arrangement plan, as a way to offer employees a combination of guaranteed paid leave and increased work flexibility options. 

Press for as much detail as possible when employee files harassment complaint


For most complaints, you receive enough background to launch an investigation. But what should you do if the employee reporting the harassment doesn’t want to provide details or even basic information like who the alleged harasser is?

Finding purpose: How to help employees connect with meaning in their jobs

Managers who understand what employees value have an opportunity to inspire them to find a purpose for their work that they can embrace, and connect to a deeper meaning and increased engagement in their work.

4 ways to inject more oversight into flexible work arrangements

Employers may perceive flex schedules as a key retention tool, but they’re no longer shy about insisting that day-to-day productivity can’t suffer because of an employee’s altered schedule.

Former Nittany Mills exec pleads guilty to wire fraud


A former vice-president of operations at Nittany Paper Mills in Lewistown, Pa., has pleaded guilty to a wire fraud charge after the company discovered a two-year trail of improper transactions.

Investigating Harassment: How to Determine Credibility

White Paper published by The HR Specialist ______________________ Most employers understand the importance of doing a fair and thorough investigation when they receive complaints of on-the-job harassment. In-house investigators (usually a human resources manager) often do a good job of interviewing the right people and documenting the interviews but then fall short when it comes […]

Disability doesn’t provide immunity from discipline or termination


Some workers wrongly believe a disability immunizes them. If they are disciplined or terminated, they often sue. Those lawsuits will be dismissed early in the legal process if the employer takes the litigation seriously and explains exactly why the worker was disciplined or fired.

Never tie FMLA leave to employee’s performance

When preparing a performance review, remind supervisors that they should never mention FMLA leave or appear to use it as a factor in the evaluation. That can lead to a big jury award later if the review is used to justify termination—even during a reduction in force.

The opposite of ‘Because I said so’

“People are more likely to do what we ask them to if we give them a reason why,” says Nancy Harbut, chief creative officer at HBT Marketing.