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Employee Relations

4 ways managers can cultivate intrinsic motivation

Intrinsically motivated employees want to succeed because of the internal benefit they experience—like pride or perhaps the internal satisfaction of simply feeling they’ve been productive.

3 cardinal rules of documentation

Strong documentation systems must be built on three basic principles.

Heck yes it’s Monday! Let’s get to work!

Some workers go to bed Sunday nights dreading the workweek to come, but Mondays and Tuesdays—especially in the morning—are when employees are most productive, suggests new research from staffing firm Accountemps.

It was just a meeting, not false imprisonment

An employee whose supervisor ordered her to take a seat in a conference room has lost her request for a trial on charges of false imprisonment.

How to deliver bad news to employees

Even when business is good, HR occasionally must do the organization’s dirty work by delivering bad news. The next time you have to pass along bad news to employees, remember these pointers.

Out of the doldrums: How to reignite your employees’ passion

Just as partners benefit from checking with one another to gauge fulfillment levels and figure out how to grow together, managers who take an interest in maintaining a passionate staff reap great rewards.

How to document employee infractions: 4 ‘musts’ to include

In his recent Business Management Daily webinar, Documenting Employee Performance, author and HR executive Paul Falcone explained how much (and what kind) of details should be included when documenting employee performance and behavior problems.

Document problems that justify discipline

Some employees are more difficult to manage than others. Be sure to document exactly what errors the employee makes and the rules he breaks. Then discipline strictly by the rules.

Timely documentation: Your best legal defense

What’s the best thing employers can do to win more lawsuits? Document every workplace decision contemporaneously, at the time you make it.

Are bonuses the key to hourly retention?

Some employers have decided that significant investments in bonus plans are worth a try. They’re making even low-level retail and restaurant staff eligible—even part-timers.