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Employee Relations

Boost productivity, retention by helping staff with legal woes

Employees spend an average of 53 hours on the job each year resolving their families’ legal issues, according to a new survey by Harris Interactive. The cost in lost productivity …

Point and click for workplace posters

Unsure which federal-law posters you’re required to display in your workplace? Check out the new Poster Advisor on the U.S. Labor Department’s Web site …

Avoid overly specific ‘grounds for firing’ list

A United Parcel Service (UPS) worker broke into a profane tirade at two supervisors in a dispute over his check. When he refused to stop, the HR director dismissed him on …

Employee doesn’t need to exhaust complaint channels to file suit

After complaining to her store manager several times about harassment, Gabrielle Breda decided to resign and sue rather than take her complaint up the chain of command. Company policy …

Base English-only rules on business necessity

Unless you have a good business reason, steer clear of preventing workers from talking to each other in their native language. In September …

FMLA regulation strikes out again

Another federal appeals court has struck down Labor Department regulations that say the clock doesn’t start ticking on an employee’s allowable …

Even ‘tolerable’ harassment will nail you

For months, Richard Corliss hurled racial slurs at two African-American co-workers at McDonald’s. When the two women complained, their supervisor said he couldn’t control Corliss’ mouth, claimed he didn’t know how …

Let employee bring co-worker to inquiry meeting

If one of your employees wants to bring a co-worker along to an investigative meeting that could result in discipline, you’d better let him. Union employees …

Company’s ‘head in the sand’ response racks up punitive damages

Faced with a bad situation, Wax Works record stores managed to make it even worse, and paid a big price. One of Wax Works’ store managers, Kerry Ogden, had compiled …

Don’t miss SIMPLE deadline

If you have 100 or fewer employees, you can set up an uncomplicated retirement plan called a SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees). But there are a couple of key …