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Employee Relations

Treat unauthorized overtime as discipline issue


Q. We verbally warned an employee not to work overtime. Recently, he claimed to have worked 56 hours straight, eating and sleeping only on regular break times. The timecards say he was here, but we don’t have any night staff, so we can’t verify if he was actually at work. Is there anything we can do? —S.T., Michigan

How to respond when unions come a knockin’

No union, no problem. Right? Not really. Even if your company isn’t unionized now, you can’t afford to be oblivious. Just ask Amazon.com. In the thick of the holiday shopping …

Employee is covered under ADA if you perceive him to be disabled

After downing at least nine beers during and after a company dinner, which followed a training program, Ray Zakaras spoke freely about his objections to the program and made rude comments …

Refusing to follow orders doesn’t always equal insubordination

The new fire alarm system at Seattle’s Key Arena automatically cuts off the public address system so that emergency personnel can issue instructions. When the feature disrupted Sonics basketball games, arena …

Body Odor: Clear the Air Over Staff Dress Code


Q. In the December 2000 issue, you discussed the topic of employees with body odor. We also have a staff member with body odor so bad that other staff members have complained and even threatened to leave the agency. The employee has been disciplined several times and required to go home without pay until she agrees to comply with the dress code. At what point can we legally terminate her? —A.S., Michigan

Stray remarks add to suspicions of bias

With nearly 30 years of experience and several awards for selling animal health products, Marvin Fisher was assigned to a top sales unit after a company merger. About a year later, the company…

Worker’s body odor requires prompt diplomacy


Q. We have an employee with an increasing body odor problem. The problem is so bad that co-workers are complaining about having to interact with her. We need to discuss the problem with the employee. Are there any legal issues that we need to be concerned about? —T.M., Texas

Jilted lover’s badgering could become your problem

Joseph Succar’s affair with Clemencia Lorenz soured after about a year. At the school where they worked, she verbally and physically harassed Succar and tried to embarrass him in front of …

Deductions endanger exempt status

A group of New York City employees was designated as salaried and exempt from overtime, but several regulations subjected city workers to pay deductions and suspension for absences. None of these …

How to draft a bullet-proof employee handbook

An employee handbook can be the foundation of employee performance and a shield against lawsuits, or it can be a ticking time bomb that confuses employees and strips away your legal …