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Employee Relations

Don’t Withhold Pay as Punishment


Q. When an employee fails to clock in or out properly, our payroll department withholds that day’s pay until the next pay period as a form of employee discipline. My understanding is that an employer can’t hold back portions of pay as punishment. Am I right? —J.A., Georgia

Commuting perks: New rules make them more attractive

Although 86 percent of American workers feel that commuter assistance benefits, such as discount transit passes, ride-sharing boards or parking benefits, are beneficial, only 17 percent have access to such perks, …

Laying off the layoffs

Layoffs that aren’t handled well can trigger lawsuits, particularly if workers feel they weren’t treated fairly. But a recent survey shows that businesses are taking many steps to ease the impact. …

Bar workers from driving company car after drinking


Q. We recently learned that an employee who drives a company vehicle is stopping on the way home for a few drinks. How should we handle this employee? Should we notify all employees that if they use drugs or alcohol in the workplace or while driving a company vehicle, they will be terminated? —R.O., California

Consistency: Your key defense

Three employees at a Minnesota prison complained when told they had to sit through a mandatory training session on gays and lesbians in the workplace. The warden tried to ease their …

Don’t bury your rights in fine print

When a Dunkin’ Donuts customer stormed away after an exchange with sales clerk Richard Ferguson, a supervisor followed and talked with him out of Ferguson’s earshot. A few days later, Ferguson …

Blue Mondays? Thwart Attempt at 3-Day Weekends


Q. How can we handle an employee who routinely uses vacation and sick time on Mondays? —D.M., Ohio

Lack of company policy turns TV into $100,000 issue

Are prizes employees win on company time the property of the company or the employee? That issue erupted when Kenneth Byrne, a manager at a used car dealership, won a raffle …

Morale, Not Law, Dictates Social Obligations


Q. We’ve traditionally sponsored a holiday cruise for our Virginia employees (mainly executives and directors). But the cost will be prohibitive if we include our newest employees, who are spread across three neighboring states. Can we sponsor different events for staff in each geographical area? —W.S., Virginia

When threats loom, follow officials’ advice


Q. In light of the recent anthrax attacks, we are concerned about the potential health risks to our employees from handling incoming mail—and the potential legal risks to us. What should we be doing to protect them and ourselves? —V.B., Ohio