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Employee Relations

Promote the value of your benefits plan

Studies show that employees who keep their jobs after a round of layoffs tend to view their benefits package less highly. Nip that attitude in the bud by distributing a personalized …

Take extra anti-harassment steps with young staff

Warning: Courts may view especially young workers differently when it comes to the issue of harassment, affording them more leeway when they fail …

Never assume a pregnant employee is unable to work; ask questions

Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), you can’t fire a pregnant worker simply because of her condition. Nor can you force her to take leave as long as she’s physically …

Conduct exit interviews only if they’d be fruitful


Q. Is it wise to conduct exit interviews with all departing employees, even those who have been terminated on poor terms? —J.S., Georgia

Expand benefits lineup at little cost with ‘voluntary’ perks

Issue: Benefit costs are rising, but you need to offer a competitive package to retain good workers.
Benefit: Voluntary benefits let you beef up your benefits without much additional cost. …

Ease bumpy workplace re-entry for returning reservists

Issue: Reservists returning from war create special challenges for your work force and your organization.
Risk: Loss of productivity and distractions among staff; reservists may face challenges at work and …

Look to local colleges for training

Issue: Community colleges provide high-quality employee training at a reasonable cost.
Benefit: Employees learn new skills and feel more loyal to your organization …

What to ask employees during exit interviews

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Go from ‘paper pusher’ to ‘problem solver’


If the people in your organization groan when they read one of your "To all employees" memos, it’s because they think of HR as causing problems, not solving them. You can turn that perception around.

Revamp your COBRA notices; feds float new rules

Issue: New Labor Department proposals add paperwork burden.
Risk: Using outdated COBRA notices puts you on the government’s hit list, resulting in fines up to $110 per violation, per day. …