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Employee Relations

Enlist in-house recruits to help you guard the door

Issue: Employees can provide your best defense against security breaches. Benefits: Low-cost security, plus employee involvement. Action: Poll employees, especially smokers, to determine where your organization …

Give notice before changing benefit terms


Q. Currently, our company pays 70 percent of employees’ health insurance premiums. But we need to either decrease the percentage or possibly ask employees to pay the entire premium. How much notice must we give employees before making such a change? —D.O., Louisiana

6 ways to manage difficult people

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It’s time for a benefit-plan refresher course

Open-enrollment season provides an opportunity to host a benefit plan brush-up meeting for all employees. Do they need it? Yes! Some 43 percent of employees grade themselves a “C” or worse …

No need to rush and upgrade to Office 2003

The reviews are in. Here’s the verdict: Upgrade to Microsoft’s new Office 2003 version only if you handle large volumes of e-mail, use a network and plan to install Microsoft’s server …

Prevent ‘cubicle rage’: 6 steps to calming an angry employee


At your small company, the buck stops with you. So how can you handle an angry employee’s complaint and resolve his or her problem without adding more stress to your day? Use the following six A’s to deflect anger without taking the blame.

When can you ask employees about their prescriptions?

Issue: The Staten Island Ferry crash in October raised the issue of when you can investigate employees’ prescription use. Risk: You could spark an ADA suit by asking too many …

Credit union membership: a no-cost employee benefit

Issue: Offering membership in a credit union as an employee benefit is now easier than ever. Benefits: Employees gain access to low-cost financial services. And you have a new, no-cost …

Take these 6 steps to defuse a volatile confrontation

Issue: Workplace violence claims about 2 million victims each year. Risk: The resulting injuries and trauma translate to $13.5 billion in medical costs and 1.75 million days of work lost …

Spice up your holiday party, but contain costs

Does it fall on you to help organize the holiday party? If so, shake things up this year by changing the venue, possibly to a skating rink or a boat. Approach …