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Employee Relations

Help employees put out their own fires

Picture this: Employee Chris calls to tell you that his manager, Judy, is threatening to fire him if he doesn’t improve his performance. Until now, Chris tells you, he has received no feedback one way or another from Judy, so he had no idea that she was concerned. Sound familiar?

Protect employee/witnesses from retaliation

After a workplace investigation, check with all parties involved (including witnesses) to make sure they haven’t been retaliated against. While it’s illegal to retaliate against employees for filing a lawsuit, you …

Use software to block employee music downloads

Just one hip-hopping employee downloading tunes can sap your computer resources, expose you to legal problems and kill productivity. Advice: Make sure your computer-use policy prohibits music downloads and outlines punishments. …

Don’t lower standards for disabled staff


Q. One of our employees has multiple sclerosis and isn’t meeting our production standard, which calls for 70 percent production level. This employee is achieving only a 59 percent level. From an ADA standpoint, what would be a reasonable accommodation? —M.R., Pennsylvania

You decide definitions for full- and part-Time status


Q. How many hours must employees work to be considered full time? Part time? —D.S., Texas

Compliments on dress and hair don’t equal sex harassment

A female supervisor repeatedly complimented a female customer service rep on her choice of jewelry, clothing and hairstyle. The rep sued, alleging the constant comments were harassing and constituted a hostile …

When facing a bias lawsuit, avoid these three dumb defenses

Your organization can defend itself against race discrimination lawsuits in many ways, but a recent ruling illustrates how three excuses will flop in court …

Hidden risk: Do your staff committees violate labor law?

Consider these two scenarios:
1. At the suggestion of a project manager, your organization starts an employee committee to provide workers a voice in safety issues. Management and the safety …

Don’t hem & haw: Speak like you mean business

Issue: The phrases you use to offer your ideas can sabotage your credibility with other people. Benefit: Nobody takes you seriously when you don’t speak confidently. Action: Take the …

Barefoot, pregnant … and dragging you into court

Issue: Even one offhand remark, if timed just right, can spell “discrimination.” Risk: Years of diligence in preventing discrimination among managers can go up in smoke instantly. Action: Advise …