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Employee Relations

Inability to ‘get along with others’ may qualify employees as disabled

Perk up your lawsuit radar if you (or one of your organization’s managers) plan to discipline an employee who has emotional problems and difficulty relating to other people. As the following …

Apply ‘fashion police’ rules evenly to avoid discrimination complaints

When it comes to enforcing your organization’s dress code, consistency is the name of the game.
As the following case shows, you can’t prevent employees from wearing union-related shirts, hats …

Employee refusing to sign review? Don’t let that stop your discipline

As part of your performance reviews or progressive discipline process, you probably ask for the employee’s signature to acknowledge the issues discussed and actions taken. What if that document is likely …

No need to give notice of demotion or pay cut


Q. We’re planning to demote an employee for performance reasons. He’d move from a supervisory job (salaried/exempt) to an hourly job, so we’d cut his pay by about $10,000 a year. What kind of notice must we give him regarding the pay cut and exemption status? —L.K., Missouri

4 lousy excuses for not firing a poor performer

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Govt. Rarely Requires In-House ‘Sick Area’


Q. Is our company required to provide a couch or cot on the premises in the event that an employee becomes ill? Are there any laws that dictate safety or health reasons for doing this? —V.A., Ohio

Do your leave benefits entice employees to stay?

Issue: Are your employee-leave policies too stingy, too generous or just right?
Benefit: Knowing how your organization compares to others helps you attract and retain top employees.
Action: Review …

Boost employee morale at low cost, with surprise days off

Issue: How to improve benefits and employee morale without busting the budget.
Benefit: Employees soon forget how they spent bonus money but will remember what they did with a surprise …

Help employees ease holiday-season stress

The most popular thing U.S. employers do to help employees alleviate holiday-related stress is to schedule holiday events during business hours …

Tell employees to read each form; don’t summarize

Issue: The danger of telling employees “Don’t bother reading that; it probably doesn’t apply to you.” Risk: Courts may view your action as a cover-up, sparking …