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Employee Relations

Do your ideas pass the bottom-line test?

To propose the most compelling time- or cost-saving ideas, first analyze them like the CEO does.

Workplace notices: Are your labor-law posters out of date?

THE LAW. The U.S. Labor Depart-ment and each state government require employers to post certain employment-law information that ex-plains employees’ rights and responsibilities. You also must make sure your federal and …

Recruit managers as allies before pitching that HR project

Issue: Persuading top execs to approve new initiatives that will enhance HR’s stature at your organization.
Risk: Your reputation, your career … your credibility.
Action: Enlist a network of …

Draw staff to health screenings with the right sales pitch

Issue: Employees who participate in health screenings submit fewer medical claims, lowering your costs.
Risk: They won’t show up if they don’t see the value.
Action: Dangle the best …

How to nail down a flaky boss


Q. Our CEO changes his mind constantly. After we agree on a project, he’ll come back to me a day or two later with a different plan. How can I pin him down? —L.G., South Carolina

Prevent ‘cubicle rage’: 6 ways to calm angry staff

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Your guilt-free guide to influencing co-workers

Issue: Often, the key to succeeding in your job is persuading people to do what you want them to do, without resenting you for it.
Benefit: Using guilt, in a …

Quiet ringing phones and ‘cell yell’ in workplace

Workplaces are increasingly being disrupted by the ringing of personal cell phones and employees engaged in high-volume wireless talking (“cell yell”). As a result, more employers are establishing policies on when …

Use ‘stay’ interviews to boost retention

In addition to using exit interviews that ask employees why they’re leaving, conduct regular “stay interviews” to learn what your organization is doing right (and wrong) and to show that you …

3 provisions NOT to include in your sexual harassment policy

Some judges interpret policies, including those on sexual harassment, as enforceable contracts between employer and employee. To prevent charges that you didn’t live up to your side of the bargain in …