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Employee Relations

Calling in ‘sick’ won’t trigger FMLA; employee must give details

What do you do with employees who call in sick with vague excuses, aches and pains and other less-than-convincing reasons? Can you discipline those people for unexcused absences without fearing that …

Dangerous and Disabled: ADA’s ‘Direct Threat’ Rule


Q. One of our employees, who has diabetes, is on the road a lot tending to patients in their homes. We’ve heard that she is having trouble seeing patient charts and difficulty pricking patients’ fingers for tests. What should we do? —M.J., New Jersey

No-Cost Employee Benefit: Payroll-Deducted PCs


Looking to offer employees a feel-good perk that doesn’t cost you anything? Set up a program that lets employees buy home personal computers through payroll deduction …

When an employee loses control at work

Tempers flare all the time in the workplace, and managers need to know how to quickly calm down employees whose anger gets out of hand. Here’s a step-by-step strategy you can use:

Keep staff vacation schedules away from public view

With summer-vacation season here, you may be tracking employees’ comings and goings using schedules posted on a bulletin board or online. But not everyone thinks so highly of publicly posted …

Confront the ‘subtle snubs’ that can sap your morale

Issue: Most people remain silent in the face of minor disrespectful incidents at work.
Risk: Your silence can be interpreted as acceptance of the other person’s behavior, leading to major …

Stop FMLA abuse with employee ‘bed check’

Good news: Managing employees out on sick leave and spotting FMLA abuse just got easier.
As a recent court ruling shows, you can call and check on employees to make …

Even ‘nontargets’ can sue for hostile environment

Hopefully, you already take any discrimination or harassment complaints from minority employees seriously. But what if a white male blows the whistle about race discrimination he sees affecting his minority co-workers? …

Check state law before firing victim of a stalker


Q. One of our female employees says her ex-boyfriend is stalking her. She hasn’t been able to get a restraining order against him. We’re worried that he may show up and do her or other workers harm. Can we fire or suspend her? —B.L., Florida

Attack tardiness with progressive discipline


Q. Several of our assistants are constantly late. What can we do to get them to come to work on time? —A.A., Virginia