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Employee Relations

A surprise inspection can uncover discrimination before it’s too late

There may be areas of your workplace that supervisors, and maybe even HR, rarely visit, such as locker rooms, loading docks and break rooms. But don’t take a “hear no evil, …

Involve all relevant managers in employee reviews


Q. We have an employee who works for two different departments, under two different supervisors. Which supervisor should conduct the review, the one with the most seniority? —D.F., Illinois

High gas prices offer retention opportunity

With gas prices jumping over $3 a gallon, employees with long commutes may be thinking about working closer to home. Ease their pain by: 1) Talking with the top brass about …

Combat tardiness with progressive discipline

Q. Some of our assistants are good employees, but they’re constantly late. What can we do to get them to come to work on time? —A.A., Virginia

Stay on guard against top 10 ‘bad boss’ behaviors

Bad managers are the main reason many employees quit. An online survey at KeepEm.com details which bad-boss behaviors would make them quit. The top 10 worst offenses, in order: belittles people …

Watch those nicknames: Turning El-Hakem into ‘Hank’ spells bias

You know that ethnic slurs and name-calling have no place in the workplace. But a new court ruling proves that any kind of ethnic intolerance can be punished.
If supervisors …

Don’t waste money buying government forms or posters

Several government agencies are alerting business owners that they don’t need to pay for most forms and posters they’re required to use and post in
their workplaces. Those documents are …

What to include in a camera-Phone policy


Q. I’m looking to create a company policy regarding cell phones with photographic capabilities. Any suggestions? —L.B., California

Beyond orientations: 4 steps to help you retain new staff

Issue: Many employers run new hires through an orientation process, then instantly start treating them like every other employee.
Risk: Some of these new hires won’t assimilate so quickly. Without …

Self-diagnosis won’t cut it; require proof of disability

Do you have an employee whose sniffles, coughing or health complaints drive co-workers crazy? Has she told you that she’s disabled and can’t help the snorting and sneezing? You don’t need …