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Employee Relations

Pregnancy is no joking matter; ‘Prego’ is akin to a racial slur


If your supervisors think little jokes about pregnancy and childbirth are nothing but harmless banter, set them straight. Use the following case to remind them that singling out pregnant employees is legally dangerous …

Nonunion worker’s pay complaint is protected activity under NLRA


A new court ruling offers more reason to remind your supervisors to discipline employees based on objective work-based standards. Never punish employees for discussing compensation or job conditions with their co-workers …

Office romance: Don’t ban it; manage it the right way


Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on a person’s sex. When office romances sour, scorned lovers often use this law to allege that their former lover was a sexual harasser …

Make sure your physical tests gauge realistic demands of the job


Any tests you use to screen applicants should relate to the job, and you must be prepared to prove that they do. If you can’t and a protected group of workers (e.g., women, minorities) tend to score poorly, you’re just asking for a lawsuit …

You can remove injured worker for safety reasons


Q. An employee told us he has a bad hernia. He wants to wait a couple months to have the operation, since it requires six weeks’ recovery. He does some lifting in his job. Yesterday, he had to go home early because he was in pain. Now that we are aware of his condition, what’s our liability? And what should we do? —D.C., New Jersey

Revise your overly complex employee review methods


If your evaluation procedures are too complicated, employees may question whether they’re being treated fairly. Mild suspicions can quickly grow into expensive discrimination lawsuits, as a new court ruling shows …

Use ‘Mini-Med’ Benefits to Cut Costs, Help Retain Staff


Soaring health costs are forcing many small firms to shift more cost burden to employees or drop coverage. But be aware that many companies are taking a third option: offering a limited medical health insurance plan (or "mini med") that provides bare-bones health coverage …

Evacuation planning: Pay attention to ADA responsibilities


While the ADA was created to stop employment discrimination, the law also requires you to provide equal access (and possibly accommodations) for disabled employees in the area of emergency evacuations from your workplace …

Draft questions to predict young applicants’ true potential


Hiring younger workers for entry-level and managerial-trainee jobs poses unique challenges. Because those applicants have little or no experience under their belts, interviewing requires special insights. To predict job success, focus on applicants’ maturity level by asking the right questions and looking for certain nonverbal cues …

Teach managers to support staff during crunch time


Overworked and underappreciated: That’s a recipe for brisk employee turnover. By teaching supervisors how to support employees during periodic peak times, you’ll improve retention. Have managers use these four simple steps to reach out to stressed-out workers …