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Employee Relations

It’s your call: You decide which rules are critical

A basic principle of employment law is that employers—not employees—get to decide how workers are supposed to do their jobs.

Always document why discipline differed

Here’s an important reminder for supervisors: Before terminating a worker, make sure you take the time to review previous disciplinary records. If you have not fired another employee for breaking the same rule, call a brief time-out.

Make sure employees have the tools they need to work from home

As concerns over the coronavirus continue to mount, many companies now require employees to work from home. To maximize productivity during this challenging time, employers must ensure that workers have what they need to function in a remote environment.

Say goodbye on good terms when forced to downsize

If you’re contemplating a layoff, you’ve no doubt given some thought to which employees you want to let go—and which ones you absolutely must retain. But know this: Every time an organization lays off even a few employees, voluntary turnover jumps in response—and the ones who choose to leave are most likely employees you intended to keep.

Poll: Coronavirus effect on work may depend on pay

Highly paid employees feel the effects of the coronavirus crisis in very different ways than low-wage workers, according to a new Harris poll.

Widen the scope of reviews

We usually judge employees’ work by the traditional standards—quality of work and amount done. However, since no employee works in a vacuum, add these factors to your evaluations to create a more accurate picture of a worker’s contribution to your group.

3 challenges for global teams

Teams consisting of globally dispersed employees are becoming the norm these days. And that kind of diversity can be hugely beneficial to organizations, in terms of innovation, problem-solving and customer service. However, cross-cultural communication can pose significant challenges for team members.

Internal mobility key to attracting, retaining workers

Promoting internal career opportunities is one of the best ways for HR to attract new employees and retain existing staff, according to research by the Gartner consulting firm.

Solve labor shortage by making your company stand out to applicants

The traditional solution to labor shortages has been higher pay. That may no longer be enough. Skilled employees in some positions are in such short supply that it may take more than money to lure top talent.

2 simple steps to make your next meeting a success

To ensure your next meeting produces results, the Harvard Business Review urges two critical steps.