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Employee Relations

Harassment Investigations Must Be ‘Fundamentally Fair’ to the Accused


When a sexual harassment accusation arises, employers often move into crisis mode. But don’t try to push the problem off your plate by quickly jettisoning the employee via a kangaroo court …

Be wary of disciplining employees soon after union activities


Courts, the NLRB and state labor relations boards are becoming more open to employee’s claims that they were disciplined in response to their union activities, even when no connection exists. For that reason, it’s important to be cognizant of your timing when taking action against a union worker …

Biggest Investigation Error: Skipping the Follow-Up Phase


Too many HR people close the book on harassment investigations too early. By failing to check if harassment has flared up again, you open the organization to further liability …

Clarify the essential functions before rejecting accommodation bid


You can reject a disabled employee’s accommodation request (or refuse to hire a person) if the individual isn’t able to perform the "essential functions" of the job, even with an accommodation. But many ADA failure-to-accommodate lawsuits hinge on which tasks are considered essential …

Get the troops on board

In a recent survey, nearly half the workers responding felt their organization had failed to provide clearly defined goals for their jobs. To help your employees get back into the game, Joanne G. Sujansky offers this advice to create a goal-oriented culture.

It’s your duty, not just workers,’ to suggest accommodation ideas


When a disabled employee requests accommodation to help him or her perform the job’s essential functions, don’t just knock the ball back into the employee’s court by saying, "What do you want us to do?" It’s up to you to actively help look for solutions …

Train Supervisors to Avoid Double-Meaning Words


A federal jury has awarded a Tyson Foods supervisor $1 million, illustrating again that preventing racial discrimination is much cheaper than trying to litigate your way out of a preventable lawsuit. Take this opportunity to remind managers that what they say does matter.

Solving the Case of the ‘Stinky Staffer’


Q. We have a “stinky employee” problem. How do I go about telling this person that she has a horrible smell and it’s now affecting some of my other staff? —S.H., Washington

Prevent employee anger before it starts: 5 tips


One wrong move (especially during the firing process) can send employees running for courthouse. Teach supervisors to avoid unnecessarily angering employees by pointing out the following common mistakes …

Better communication = better performance


A new study proves what you may intuitively know: Organizations that communicate effectively with employees outperform those that don’t …