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Employee Relations

Paying staff for volunteer work = lower absenteeism


Want employees to take less sick leave? Consider letting them volunteer on company time …

Florida among top states in job growth, low unemployment


If you’re having trouble recruiting and retaining employees, the reason may be Florida’s robust economy …

Two Georgia employers named to ‘100 Best Companies’ list


Looking for a good recruiting tool? Take a cue from two Georgia companies chosen by Working Mother magazine as family-friendly places to work …

8 N.J. employers named to ‘100 Best Companies’ list


Looking for ways to boost your recruiting efforts and retain the best talent? Take a cue from the eight New Jersey companies chosen for Working Mother magazine’s list of the "100 Best Companies" for women to work …

Boring Benefits? Perk ‘Em Up With 10 Real-Life Solutions


When you rattle off your employee benefit offerings to prospective employees, what raises their eyebrows? It’s probably not the basics: People have come to expect health/life/dental, 401(k), etc. What really catches a prospect’s attention are the creative perks that prove your organization has their interests in mind …

‘Learning center’ offers free classes, advancement potential


Employees at Choice Hotels International’s headquarters in Silver Spring, Md., can take advantage of the company’s Learning Center, a high-tech training facility that offers about 50 classes a year in computer and supervisory skills, time management, communication, writing and decision making …


Face-to-Face Investment Advice Reaps Bigger Returns


Want to help your employees reap a bigger return on their retirement investments? Offer them personalized advice …

Urge Senior Managers to ‘Detach’


Nearly two-thirds of senior executives admit they can’t stop thinking about work even while they’re on vacation, according to a survey from NFI Research. The study’s advice: Encourage the top brass to take a real break to recharge their batteries …

Adapt ‘Management by Walking Around’ for the HR World


Paul, an HR professional, walked into the accounting department, glanced into a cubicle and noticed an employee on the verge of tears. "Is everything OK?" Paul asked. That triggered a flood of complaints about her boss, her child care problems and the lack of advancement opportunities in the company. Paul would never have uncovered those problems if he’d been sitting behind his desk, waiting for emergencies to come knocking …

Help boomers use FMLA accurately for elder care leave


As your baby boomer employees watch their parents enter their 80s and 90s, more of them are taking time off to care for those aging parents. The problem: More than 60 percent of employers believe they’ve granted FMLA time off that was unfounded, according to a Society for Human Resource Management survey. That spells unwarranted absenteeism, which can disrupt work flow …