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Employee Relations

‘Job commitment’ is valid reason to reject an applicant


When it comes to evaluating applicants, you can consider factors like evidence of the employee’s commitment to the job and the likelihood he won’t stick around. That’s true even if it means you don’t hire an older applicant who worked for your organization in the past and received good reviews

U.S. Steel wins ADA case; worker couldn’t do ‘Essential’ parts of job


U.S. Steel Corp. did not violate the ADA when the company terminated a senior technician due to a degenerative lower back condition, a federal district court judge ruled in a Pennsylvania case …

Denial of lateral transfer isn’t an ‘Adverse job action’


Employees who think a supervisor is treating them unfairly and suspect discrimination often will look for an escape. One tactic is to ask for a transfer to another department or location. Don’t think that you’re required to acquiesce

Boost productivity by helping staff with elder care problems

Issue: Nearly 10 percent of employees serve as caregivers for their elderly parents. That strain results in turnover and productivity problems. Risk: Lost productivity due to elder caregiving costs U.S. …

Pay travel expenses for new, longer commute?


Q. One of our employees normally reports to a facility. But he’s out on workers’ comp and is doing light duty in the office, which is an extra hour of commuting time. I know we don’t have to pay for his commuting time, but what about his travel expenses? —M.T., Massachusetts

Study: Good-Looking people suffer a ‘Beauty penalty’ at work


Studies in the past have shown that attractive people generally earn a "beauty premium." That is, they earn more money, enjoy better performance reviews and people view them as being more intelligent and trustworthy. But according to a recent study published by Rice University, those studies may have it wrong …

5 things to tell employees about the new pension law


The Pension Protection Act of 2006, signed by President Bush in August, swept in big changes for employer retirement plans. Educating employees about the law will likely fall to you. Here are five key points you should explain to employees long before the major provisions take effect in 2008 …

Help Older Workers With ‘Rewirement’—Not Just Retirement—Planning


If your organization helps older employees plan for their retirement, you’ve probably been asking them how they’re set financially for their golden years. What you might ask instead is: What do you want to do with the next one-third of your life? …


Florida minimum wage to rise to $6.67 at start of year


This coming holiday season, the state of Florida has a gift planned for workers. Effective Jan. 1, 2007, the Florida minimum wage is set to increase in accordance with the state constitutional amendment approved by voters in 2004 …

Isolated comments on accent not enough to prove bias


No doubt, your managers and supervisors know not to ridicule someone’s accent or way of speaking. But what if an employee’s communication skills suffer on account of his other accent? Are you prohibited from mentioning that accent and recommending remedial help to better communications?