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Employee Relations

Celebrate diversity this Cinco de Mayo


Want a more creative office environment? Then celebrate the diversity and differences among co-workers.

When office humor is no laughing matter

Laughter can often be not only the best medicine but also the best management tool, but it’s also part of your job to know when workplace humor goes too far.

Extract First-Rate Ideas From Employees


“Why does our company do that?” You know employees ask that question (in their heads) a dozen times a day …

Reserve Rewards for Top-Notch Performance


Imagine if your organization’s managers could stop paying people and start buying their results, one by one. What do you think would happen if every manager had the discretion, the ability, the skill and the gumption to start negotiating with employees as if they were outside vendors?

When and how you can use ‘English-Only’ rules in the workplace


Philadelphia landmark Geno’s Steaks made headlines when it posted a sign that reads, “This is America. When ordering, please speak English” … Although the Geno’s case deals with an attempt to apply an “English-only” rule to customers, it highlights a growing issue in U.S. workplaces …

It’s important to track discipline by type and degree


Expect a call from an employment lawyer when a disgruntled employee is fired. If the axed employee belongs to a protected class (race, sex, disability, etc.), expect more than a call …

How not to handle a whistle-blower’s complaint: Threaten to kill employees who report you


The Florida’s Private-Sector Whistleblower Act protects employees who report alleged wrongdoing to their employers. Ignoring the complaint—or worse, threatening discipline, job loss or anything else that could be viewed as retaliation—will land you in court in no time flat

No accommodation offer necessary at termination meeting


Courts have consistently ruled that deaf employees are entitled to sign language interpreters during training sessions…. They may also need specialized equipment or software to perform their jobs. But do you need to provide an interpreter or specialized equipment during a disciplinary meeting? …

Independent investigations are key to making decisions stick and avoiding retaliation claims


Employees who file EEOC or internal complaints charging discrimination often behave as if their complaint is a job guarantee. Approach them about performance problems, and they immediately cry “retaliation.” But you can’t allow your workplace practices to be held hostage if you have legitimate concerns about performance

Discovered new hire’s litigious background? Don’t retaliate


Hired a dud who, you just found out, has a history of crying discrimination? Make sure you have solid, business-related reasons for any discipline you take. Here’s why …