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Employee Relations

Court: Constitution protects religious bulletin board messages


A federal government agency’s policy barring “items of religious preference” from agency bulletin boards is unconstitutional, the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio ruled …

Doing nothing after complaint leads to nothing but liability


The most direct route to a hostile-work-environment lawsuit is to ignore complaints. Do nothing and your liability builds with each new complaint …  

Track discipline companywide to show no double standard


One of the most common employment law claims is the uneven enforcement of workplace rules. The only foolproof way to counter such lawsuits …

Glowing evaluation doesn’t trump insubordination


Have you worried about discharging an employee who just got an outstanding evaluation? It’s a legitimate concern, but don’t let it paralyze you …

Think worker is lying about health? Ask before disciplining


Employees say the darndest things. Take, for example, those who call in sick or are out on disability for conditions you strongly suspect are not quite as serious as they say …

Prior workers’ comp case? Make sure discharge reasons are plausible


Illinois law protects employees against retaliation for filing workers’ compensation claims. To help your organization avoid needless litigation …

Strange days indeed: Company argues for workers’ comp coverage


An appeals court ruled that the estate of Miguel Pena, a setting machine operator shot and killed by a fellow employee at Gutmann Leather in Chicago, may proceed with a wrongful death suit …

Uniformity key to investigations that stand up in court


When it comes to employee complaints and how your organization responds to them, uniformity is the most important factor …

‘Misconduct’ makes employees ineligible for unemployment benefits


Q. When will a terminated worker be denied unemployment benefits under California law?

Brawling in the workplace? Investigate and discipline promptly


While you probably have rules in place that dictate civil behavior in your workplace, you may not have a clear plan for dealing with the aftermath of an actual violent confrontation. You should …