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Employee Relations

What causes conflict between remote employees?

The top cause of conflict among remote employees stems from “lack of transparency or honesty about something important,” followed by “clash of values” and “false accusations,” according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. remote employees by MyPerfectResume.

Document reason for every act of discipline

Always record the facts of every incident that warrants discipline, including the exact reason you chose to punish the employee the way you did. It’s the best way to head off an employee lawsuit alleging she was disciplined harshly because of some protected characteristic.

Employers weigh permanent work-from-home option

The coronavirus pandemic has made it clear that many employees perform perfectly well when working remotely, so much so that companies are already hatching plans to make working from home permanent.

America’s 20 hardest-working cities ranked

Take five, Anchorage! You’re the nation’s hardest-working city, according to a new study by personal-finance website WalletHub.

Employee retention: 5 big trends for 2021

The pandemic changed every aspect of the workplace—including the way we nurture and retain employees. Here are five key trends for 2021 from well-known HR analyst Josh Bersin.

Workplace unity: Keeping the peace amid strong opinions and emotions

What can managers do to promote office peace and lessen the risk of threatening rhetoric occurring?

The ABC’s of documentation

Many managers don’t enjoy documenting employee performance, but it’s crucial if you have to defend a decision to terminate an employee, or recommend him or her for promotion. Don’t take any chances with your record-keeping responsibilities. Here’s what to keep in mind.

Remote work could save U.S. employers $500B per year

“The Business Case for Remote Work” says a typical U.S. employer can save $11,000 per year for each employee who works remotely two to three days a week.

Remote workers rent private homes to hold meetings

Here’s a timely new trend: Growing tired of gathering on Zoom, groups of remote employees have begun renting out meeting spaces in private homes.

Using emojis in the workplace: A terrible idea?

There’s a clear generational divide over whether it’s appropriate to use emojis in work communication.