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Employee Relations

WARN notice: What if employees aren’t all terminated at the same time?


Q. I’ve read that 50 or more employees must be affected by a plant closing in order to trigger a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act notice requirement. We will be closing a plant, but it will take several months before all employees will be laid off. When are we required to give the notice? …

OMG, TWD is nothing to LOL about; Set a policy to stop ‘Texting while driving’


Even if you already have a policy that bans chatting on cell phones while driving on company business—or at least requires hands-free devices—you should prohibit texting or surfing the web while driving, too. Train your staff and use e-mail reminders …

Sample Policy: Computer Usage

The following sample policy was excerpted from The Book of Company Policies, published by HR Specialist, © 2010. Edit for your organization’s purposes. _____________________________ “Employees have access to one or more forms of electronic media and services (computers, e-mail, telephones, voice-mail, fax machines, external electronic bulletin boards, wire services, on-line services, the Internet and the […]

Sample Policy: Internet Usage

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Track discipline to quickly counter lawsuit claims


No employer is immune from employee lawsuits. But there is a lot you can do to lessen the impact of lawsuits that do occur—before they cost huge expenditures of time, effort and money. One of the best ways to ensure the quick dismissal of frivolous claims is to have information at your fingertips, especially disciplinary data …

Retiring instead of facing discipline doesn’t constitute constructive discharge


Employees who retire to avoid facing internal disciplinary charges can’t turn around and claim they were constructively discharged. That’s why employers might want to consider offering retirement in such cases as an option in lieu of discipline …

Waitress: Cipriani restaurant is hostile to women


A waitress has sued Cipriani restaurants and a dozen male employees, claiming they subjected her to a stream of degrading comments about women. Lastenia Amparo Torres, who works at Harry Cipriani in the Sherry-Netherland Hotel in Manhattan, said the harassment began when she joined the restaurant in 2000 and hasn’t let up since …

Require HR review of disciplinary records before discharge


Nothing will send a discrimination case to trial faster than obvious unequal treatment of employees. That’s why it is important to have someone in HR do a complete review before the company discharges someone for poor performance or rule violations …

Right to have a witness during discipline


Q. We have a nonunion shop. It is not uncommon for our employees to insist that they have the right to have a witness present during investigatory interviews and disciplinary action meetings. I have heard conflicting answers to whether employees in a nonunion facility have the right to have a witness present during investigatory and disciplinary interviews. Can you clear up the confusion for me? …

Following baseless complaint, ensure later discipline is legit


Sometimes employees who know they are in trouble at work will try to set up lawsuits. That way, they reason, if they get fired, they can sue for “retaliation.” It’s up to HR to ferret out such sneaky tricks and prevent those lawsuits. The best way is to make absolutely sure that you can justify any eventual discipline …