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Employee Relations

How to strategically manage turnover


You know turnover is expensive; it forces your organization to recruit and train new employees. And while not all turnover is undesirable, a growing number of organizations are starting to focus on the management of turnover as a strategic business issue, both in terms of controlling bottom-line costs and driving top-line results …

Carrot or stick? Motivating managers to finish reviews


HR can waste lots of time and energy hounding supervisors to complete their performance reviews. Choose the best mix of incentives and penalties to inspire managers to do reviews right and on time …

How to Help Managers Deliver the ‘No Raise’ News to Employees


The most difficult part of a system that withholds merit increases from poor performers is giving the bad news to the employee who hasn’t earned a raise. That can be a scary prospect for managers who don’t like delivering bad news.  That’s where you step in: Help them prepare, so that they don’t cave in to the pressure …

6 ways to help employees do their best each day

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How to counsel employees with attitude problems


With some employees, the problem isn’t a matter of ability, it’s a matter of attitude. This can manifest itself in everything from quiet disobedience to outright insubordination. How should you respond?

What to do when you suspect an employee is stealing from the company


Few HR dilemmas are as sticky as dealing with an employee accused of stealing from the company. Here’s how to handle the situation with care, making sure your organization doesn’t overstep its bounds and expose itself to liability.

After United gives workers the bird, some give it back


Five United Airlines workers needed medical attention for nausea and vomiting after partaking in the airline’s holiday peace offering—a full Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. The feast was supposed to be United’s way of restoring goodwill after the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association criticized the airline …

Wausau staffers adopt soldier


Atlanta area employees of Wausau Insurance have developed an “Adopt-a-Soldier” program to support U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Wausau underwriter Chris Yates conceived the idea after attending the funeral of a friend killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in the fall of 2006 …

7 ways for employers—Big or small—To recruit & retain in ’08


f you work for a large organization, get ready to fight with small ones for your employees. If you work for a small organization, get ready to spend more on the pay and benefits that will lure big-company stars over to your shop …

Add coaching, mentoring to retention effort


Coaching and mentoring are among the top new ways to retain high-potential employees, says a survey by ClearRock, a Boston-based executive coaching firm …