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Employee Relations

Disabled employee must be able to perform

Chrysler hired Loretta Steward in 1997 as an hourly employee at its Viper plant in Detroit. In October 2004, Chrysler placed Steward on medical restrictions because of hand, shoulder and neck pain. The restrictions, which limited her lifting to 10 pounds or less, prevented Steward from performing her job …

Handling a disability claim: step by step

Q. We recently terminated an employee who couldn’t get his work done on time (and basically couldn’t sit still). He had told his supervisor before that he had attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but that wasn’t taken into consideration. Now he’s threatening to sue. Are we at risk, and should we settle? — A.L., Connecticut …

Use ‘Soft’ criteria for staffing decisions? Be prepared to back up rationale

Some jobs require a set of objective or “hard” skills, plus subjective or “soft” skills. As long as an employer can clearly articulate what soft skills an applicant or employee lacks, it can use the subjective reasons when making selection or retention decisions …

Boost productivity via employees’ love of to-Do lists

A new Kelton Research survey shows that people worldwide depend heavily on their to-do lists. That’s especially true in the United States, where 76% of people keep at least one to-do list running …

Track declining productivity to justify staffing, pay and promotion decisions

Part-time employees are often the first to get pink slips in an economic downturn. But watch out if your part-timers are disproportionately parents who have child care responsibilities. Don’t be surprised if those employees respond to a layoff by contacting an attorney …

The wisdom of showing written performance reviews to employees

Q. We usually don’t allow our employees to read or comment on their annual evaluations. Instead, we perform a performance review one-on-one and have them sign an acknowledgment that they have discussed their performance. Do we need to provide them with a copy of the evaluation? …

Gotcha! Top-Ranked Workplace Pranks from April Fools’ Day

How’s your day going so far? If the worst that’s befallen you is a stapler glued to your desk, consider yourself lucky. Here’s a rundown of some of the more elaborate workplace April Fools’ Day pranks, compiled by those jokers at Careerbuilder.com. Oh, and whatever you do, be careful in and around the restroom….

N.Y. employers make Fortune’s ‘Best to work for’ list

Fortune magazine recently published its 2008 list of “100 Best Companies to Work For,” and nine New York companies made the list …

Attract and keep young workers with ‘Portable’ benefits

Your organization’s youngest workers learned an important lesson about the workplace from their parents: You can’t count on keeping the same job for your whole career. If you want your talented Gen Y employees to stick around, you’re going to have to change the way you look at employee benefits. Here are three things they want that might surprise you …

Quicken Loans builds culture with freebies, CEO contact

The success of a mortgage company in a shaky economy depends on the company’s culture, says Dan Majewski, vice president of HR forQuicken Loans. Quicken Loans’ culture includes lots of employee perks, from free concert tickets to vacations to hand-signed birthday cards from the CEO …