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Employee Relations

If you need to discipline, verify facts with several sources

Discipline is always a sensitive issue, especially if the employee in question has filed previous discrimination complaints or a lawsuit. Even if the employer won previous battles, the employee may actually view any discipline as another chance to attack the company—with a retaliation lawsuit. Here’s the best way to handle further discipline …

Indiana court losing patience with inconsistent enforcement of no-Call policies

To manage your workload, you need to know whether employees will show up for work. To avoid fraudulent call-offs, you may even require a personal call. But unless you are already suspicious—or have had problems with that particular employee abusing the system before—you shouldn’t single out one employee for discipline …

Include staff self-Assessment in evaluation process

When an employee sues for an alleged discriminatory firing, the court will want to see the employee’s evaluation. A sterling evaluation and high praise quickly cast doubt on a termination supposedly based on poor performance. How, then, can you encourage honest evaluations? Have employees identify their own weaknesses and address those in their performance evaluations …

Track performance improvement plans by protected category

Employers frequently design performance improvement plans (PIPs) for underperforming employees. But the way managers choose which employees to place on PIPs can have serious consequences. Here’s how to make sure your PIP system is fair—and legal …

You can fire high performers just because of poor attitude

We’ve all encountered the type: employees who are smart—and know it. They work hard and produce results. But they are so arrogant, so abrasive and so insistent that their way is the right way that they kill morale. You don’t have to keep them on just because they meet or even exceed business goals …

Furniture company gives employees personal climate-Control devices

Some employees at Zeeland, Mich.-based furniture manufacturer Herman Miller complained they were too hot. Others said they felt cold. So the firm created a personal climate-control device for office buildings and gave one to each employee in one of its offices …

Ohio wants to boost bioproducts

he Ohio Legislature has approved the creation of the Ohio Agriculture to Chemicals, Polymers, and Advanced Materials Task Force, a 13-member panel tasked with promoting Ohio’s cutting-edge bioproducts industry …

Tough new boss? Make sure everyone is treated ‘By the book’

Sometimes, organizations have to shake up the troops. If productivity had been below par and attitudes poor, a new boss who takes a hard line may be just what the company needs. As long as the new supervisor doesn’t single out employees who are members of a particular protected class, there’s nothing wrong with a heavy dose of “follow the rules” management …

Routinely document poor performance—Just in case

When a supervisor says a subordinate is not performing well, make sure empirical evidence backs up that opinion. In addition, direct anyone who had to deal with the employee’s poor performance to make notes. If supervisors are called later to testify in court, notes will help them remember the details …

All by itself, a lower evaluation score isn’t retaliation

Nowadays, many employees who file discrimination complaints follow up later with retaliation claims. That doesn’t mean employers have no power to manage the workplace after an employee files a discrimination complaint. The key is to be levelheaded, reasonable and fair, especially at evaluation time. You aren’t required to reward discrimination complaints with inflated evaluations …