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Employee Relations

Teachers do the math, find their bonuses came up short


North Carolina teachers reporting to school this fall found their state-awarded bonuses cut by 30%. Hundreds appealed to state Sen. Steve Goss, a former teacher, for help.

6 ways to lead your team to maximum productivity

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More employers create ‘bridge jobs’ to appeal to retirees


New research shows that more workers of retirement age are staying in their current jobs or returning to work, in part because of the sinking economy and dwindling nest eggs. Many of these older employees aren’t seeking full-time return at their past pay rates. They’re hunting for “bridge jobs.”

How can I ensure a safe work environment?


Q. What are some proactive strategies employers can implement to promote a safe workplace? …

With security like this, who needs thieves?


A crack trio of loss-prevention officers hired by Nordstrom in King of Prussia has been arrested for allegedly operating a theft ring. Rozita Davani, former loss-prevention manager, along with Marguerite Willis and Athina Theodoridis, former loss-prevention agents, allegedly began stealing from the store’s mailroom in May …

Perhaps councilman will next be kissing seat goodbye


Terri Vaughn, finance director for the Yeadon Borough Council, has filed a sexual harassment and retaliation complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and the EEOC, alleging that council member Terry McGirth kissed her inappropriately on numerous occasions …

Act fast and fairly to investigate when employee complains of hostile work environment


No matter how hard you work to make sure your workplace is a model of fairness and civility, you can’t rule out the possibility that an employee will come to HR with a claim that she’s being forced to work in a racially or sexually hostile environment. How you handle that complaint may make the difference between nipping an ugly problem in the bud and paying a huge jury award.

Keep detailed records on disciplinary process


Far too often, careless employers lose lawsuits they should have won, especially when it comes to terminations. Here’s why: Some fired employees will sue for discrimination, and they have to show that you treated them differently because of some protected characteristic such as race, gender or age …

Video surveillance: If you can’t do it right, don’t do it


Video surveillance can help catch employees who are abusing the system. For example, video of an employee cleaning the gutters while on FMLA leave may show he’s not sick. But before you conduct your own surveillance or hire someone to do so, here’s a simple tip …

Don’t fear investigation will mean defamation lawsuit


When you conduct an internal investigation, other employees involved in the investigation are going to figure out what the allegations are. But you don’t have to worry about a defamation lawsuit following the investigation if you strive to keep the matter confidential …