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Employee Relations

Be honest, thorough with applicants about job


The best way to keep high-level new hires around is to give them an accurate picture of what their jobs entail before they start work.

ADA: Performance and Conduct Standards


In response to numerous performance-related questions from employers, the EEOC released a detailed guide to help employers apply performance and conduct standards to employees with disabilities. Here’s a summary of the EEOC’s recommendations.

Complainer can use co-workers’ anecdotes in building hostile environment case


The 4th Circuit just made it easier for employees to sue for having to work in a hostile environment. The court said that unpleasant and offensive conduct aimed as one’s sex or race does not have to happen in the presence of the employee who winds up complaining. Conduct witnessed by other employees can be used as evidence …

Charlotte-Meck teachers disciplined for Facebook postings


Offensive postings on the social networking web site Facebook led the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) to fire one employee and discipline seven others.

Worker’s hour count is off—Now what?


Q. We do not believe that one of our employees is keeping accurate time records of her work. Can we pay her what we believe she worked instead of what her time records show?

The firing meeting: 4 classic mistakes


Terminating an employee is one of the most stressful tasks managers and HR pros will ever have to face. Don’t let a difficult job turn into a legal nightmare too. Avoid these common firing mistakes, and you’ll probably avoid an expensive trip to court as well.

What happens if we fail to provide COBRA notice upon termination?


Q. What kinds of penalties or liability does an employer face if it fails to provide notice of COBRA coverage upon termination of an employee?

Follow up on complaints to ensure mistreatment stops along with harassment


California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act protects employees from sexual harassment by co-workers. But what happens if management stops the harassment but the co-workers find other ways to make life miserable for their victims? It’s HR’s responsibility to make sure a victim of sexual harassment isn’t targeted for other mistreatment …

Track whom you discipline to avoid litigation


Employees who are fired after breaking work rules often allege that they were targeted because of some protected characteristic like gender, age, race or ethnicity. The best way to counter such claims is to know beforehand whether your organization is being tougher on some employees who belong to a protected class while letting others slide.

Professor accused of swiping entire program


New England College has filed suit against poetry professor Anne Marie Macari, alleging she stole its innovative master’s degree program in poetry and set up shop at Drew University in Madison.