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Employee Relations

Don’t be afraid to terminate if manager can’t manage personal relationships


Some people have more trouble than others managing personal relationships. When such a person has a supervisory role, the result can be disastrous. Don’t fear discharging a lousy manager based on what you observe or find out following an investigation.

Carefully track all discipline details to show you treat all employees fairly


Employees who are disciplined sometimes think they’ve been treated unfairly. Some inevitably look for some nefarious reason—like sex, age or race discrimination—to explain the injustice they suffered. And when their lawsuits reach court, you’ll have to turn over your disciplinary records…

Harassment claim sound loony? Investigate anyway


Some sexual harassment claims seem so obviously absurd, they’re hard to take seriously. Even so, smart employers investigate and draw conclusions after at least talking to the parties involved. That way, should an employee sue, the company can show it handled the matter promptly and in good faith.

Offer alternatives to reporting discrimination straight up the ‘chain of command’


If an employee suspects his manager of bias, you can’t expect him to go to that particular boss to make a complaint. And you can’t expect to escape a lawsuit if you discipline the employee for going around the boss to report his concerns.

Left behind: Consider RIF effects on your other employees


Your business has crunched the numbers, considered the alternatives and come to the conclusion that layoffs are necessary if the business is to remain afloat during these challenging economic times. But how much thought have you given to your remaining employees who are about to watch their friends and colleagues lose their jobs?

Make sure your investigations are thorough


Employers have great leeway when it comes to discharging employees. But many employers get into trouble by failing to conduct a thorough and fair investigation. If the employee can prove the investigation was so cursory that it was just an excuse to cover up an illegal motivation such as age discrimination, the employer may lose big.

Verizon settles harassment suit filed by Pittsburgh woman


Lissa Hannan, a Verizon employee in the Pittsburgh area, filed a complaint alleging a male contractor sexually harassed her. The company essentially put her on hold and then hung up. Ten days after she filed her complaint, Verizon fired Hannan. The company ended up agreeing to pay her $37,000 to settle the lawsuit.

Turn Gen Y’s ‘unreasonable’ requests into a negotiating tool


The two biggest comp and benefits myths about Generation Y employees—your youngest workers—are that they don’t care about money … and that they care only about money. They want more than that. In fact, they want way more. Use their demands as a negotiating tool, and watch the productivity of these young, tech-savvy go-getters soar in response.

Preparing for possible litigation


Q. We recently had to discharge an employee for poor work performance. We are a relatively small company (70 employees) and don’t often fire people. Because of special circumstances that forced us to terminate the employee rather than try corrective action, we think it is very possible there will be some kind of litigation. Do you have any recommendations for what we should do or think about now, even before any lawsuit has been filed?

Stop hostile environment cases by tracking how you discipline after workplace disputes


As an employer, you aren’t required to absolutely ensure your employees never suffer hurt feelings. That’s impossible. Nevertheless, you are required to stop behavior that could escalate into a hostile environment. Be sure to track how you punish co-workers who get into arguments and use inappropriate language.