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Employee Relations

Beware incentive plans that deduct pay from exempt employees


The FLSA sets strict rules for who can be classified as an exempt employee not entitled to overtime pay. One of those is the so-called salary-basis test. Exempt employees must be paid the same salary regardless of the quality or quantity of their work in any given pay period. In other words, employers can’t make deductions from pay for poor work.

‘Circle of Growth’ keeps call center turnover low


In an industry that suffers an 80%-plus turnover rate, The Beryl Companies’ Dallas-based call center loses just 17% of its employees each year. Founder and CEO Paul Spiegelman attributes the low turnover to what he calls his “Circle of Growth” philosophy.

How strategic are you? An 8-question test


CEOs want their HR leaders to break outside the operational box and become more strategic players. But many HR pros are so bogged down by daily process, they have trouble lifting their heads out of the weeds. Here’s a self-assessment to help you gauge the strategic value you bring to your organization.

Summer staff get-togethers for every budget


While you may not have been partying much at the office lately, some employers see summer as an ideal time for an all-staff get-together. Instead of spending a lot on flowers and glassware rentals, get creative with these summertime themes.

How to cope with a seriously ill employee: 4 steps

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More employers requiring travelers to share a room


It’s nowhere near a majority yet, but more employers—from Pfizer to Microsoft—have begun asking their employees to share hotel rooms when on the road. Beyond the obvious dollar savings, some organizations say it builds camaraderie.

‘Same’ offense? Document why discipline differs


If you punish two employees differently for what looks like the same rule violation or mistake, you’d better be prepared to explain why. If you are later challenged, you should be able to show that the two weren’t “similarly situated” and prove you didn’t favor one over the other.

EEOC says you discriminated? Investigate on your own before accepting settlement


The EEOC essentially exists to prevent lawsuits by independently investigating discrimination claims and then trying to settle as many disputes as possible. Not surprisingly, the EEOC and its sister agencies often come to believe a discrimination problem exists and then urge employers to settle. Know that you don’t have to agree to settle.

Fire employee who has filed complaint … if you’re prepared to address retaliation


Employers often get into trouble when they punish someone who has filed an internal harassment or discrimination complaint. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t discipline employees for legitimate reasons just because they filed an unrelated complaint. The key is being able to show a good reason for your actions.

HR interns: Where to find ’em, how to use ’em


Large organizations have long realized that HR interns contribute to the bottom line. They’re inexpensive, productive and eager to impress. Now, with budgets cut to the bone, HR departments can use all the talented, low-cost staffing they can get. That’s especially true for small and midsize HR departments. Here are the best ways to find HR interns: