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Employee Relations

How to handle a lying employee


Q. We have an employee who tells his boss he has finished projects when he really hasn’t. Frankly, half the time we don’t believe him when he says something. What can we do?

Base health communication strategies on 5 behavioral quirks


When researchers at HR consulting giant Towers Watson were compiling new stats on 2010 employer health care costs, they uncovered some fascinating findings from the world of behavioral economics that innovative employers are applying to their health communication efforts. As you look for ways to encourage employees to be active, informed consumers of the health benefits you offer, see how many you can incorporate into your own communication plans.

Misconduct inquiries: What workers ask & how to answer


To conduct misconduct interviews that don’t provide legal ammunition to the employee, come prepared with answers to tough-but-valid questions that employees may ask during the investigation. Here are some of the most difficult questions along with responses that can protect you legally.

Has recession helped or hurt employee engagement?


While 30% of nearly 600 employers surveyed by Towers Watson report that employees are less engaged in the organization than before the financial crisis, another 28% of employers believe employee engagement has actually risen during the recession.

Your 10-point checklist for ensuring an NLRA-compliant handbook

There are many good reasons to regularly review your employee handbook. But here’s another good reason to review and update your policies: A poorly written or overly broad handbook could result in unfair labor practices charges from the National Labor Relations Board. That’s true even if your workforce isn’t unionized.

Having ‘the talk’: Wise words for discipline discussions

Serving as an effective manager means confronting those “challenging” employees who, while typically good at their jobs, too often display unprofessional or obnoxious behavior. The best way to tackle such problems is to meet with employees right when you spot the problem behavior. Follow these guidelines, which have the side benefit of protecting the organization from employee claims that they weren’t treated fairly.

Determine if mental condition actually impairs


Not everyone who has a learning disability or even mild retardation is disabled. Under the ADA, every disability is measured by the individual’s condition and whether or not the condition he claims is disabling substantially impairs a major life function. Thus, someone with minor intellectual deficits may not be disabled under the ADA.

The HR I.Q. Test: March ’10


Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

Must employers use progressive discipline?


Q. Under our progressive discipline policy, employees receive an oral warning, a written warning, suspension and finally termination. If an employee’s conduct is severe enough to warrant termination upon the first offense, can we fire the employee right away, or must we follow this progressive discipline policy?

‘Unwonk’ your company mission statement; give employees a quantifiable goal


Do your employees truly understand your organization’s mission? Heck, do you even understand it? Sometimes, putting a one-sentence mission on paper for all to see can help focus and motivate a workforce. And while mission statements can be valuable, they must articulate real targets. Otherwise, they sound too much like a corporate Hallmark card.