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Employee Relations

Must we pay workers who have been suspended?

Q. We recently sent an employee home for not following his supervisor’s instructions. Do we have an obligation to pay him for the full day regardless? How should we handle this situation in the future? Is this considered administrative leave?

Loose lips lose lawsuits: Screen performance reviews for FMLA comments

Comments supervisors make on performance evaluations can come back to haunt the company—especially if they concern the FMLA. That’s why HR should carefully review performance evaluations and tell supervisors to zip it when tempted to gripe about FMLA leave.

$6 million fraud scheme earns five years in prison

Chad Jurgens of Big Lake will spend the next five years in the big house after admitting to scheming to defraud his employer, computer hard drive manufacturer Seagate Technologies.

Kucinich & Fudge ask for DFAS investigation

U.S. Reps. Dennis Kucinich and Marcia Fudge, members of Congress from Ohio, have asked the Acting Comptroller of the United States and the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to investigate allegations of racial discrimination at the Cleveland facility of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).

Recalcitrant worker? Document and fire


Some employees can’t or won’t acknowledge that they aren’t meeting their employer’s expectations. They ignore negative evaluations, don’t follow through on improvement plans and won’t take direction. You may have no choice but to fire the employee. If you do, don’t worry. Careful documentation will stifle any later lawsuit alleging some form of discrimination.

Use benefits checklist to smooth new-hire onboarding

New employees have lots on their minds when they first start working. While making the right benefits choices and completing the necessary paperwork is ultimately the employee’s responsibility, HR can give a kick in the pants by providing a checklist like this one.

Before you decide to fire, make sure past evaluations support your rationale


Nothing raises suspicions among employees (and juries) than effusive praise followed by a pink slip. So here’s a tip that will make courts more likely to uphold your termination decisions: Make sure whatever reason you use to justify a firing also shows up in past performance evaluations.

Unbiased investigation stops retaliation suits


Complaining about things like pay disparities and other alleged acts of discrimination doesn’t make an employee immune from discipline. But if the timing between the complaint and the discipline is too close, watch out for a retaliation lawsuit. Make sure that doesn’t happen by setting up a process in which disciplinary recommendations are based on an independent investigation.

Suspect employee crime? Call the cops already!


Managers may be reluctant to report potential employee theft to the police, assuming that if they are wrong, they could be sued. But chances are that, if an employer acts in good faith, it won’t be liable—even if it turns out the employee is innocent.

You don’t always have to be right–as long as you act in good faith

Here’s good news for supervisors who are afraid of making the wrong disciplinary decision: Employers don’t have to be right every time about the underlying reasons for disciplinary action. Instead, what counts is acting in good faith.