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Employee Relations

You can insist on investigation confidentiality


Make it a policy to keep it confidential when conducting internal investigations into discrimination or harassment. That way, rumors and exaggerated claims won’t influence other employees who haven’t yet told investigators their side of the story. Employers that terminate employees for violating that confidentiality needn’t worry that doing so is retaliation, at least according to a recent 11th Circuit decision.

Philadelphia attorney accused of $1 million embezzlement

Jeffrey Abramowitz had worked his way from law student to named partner at the Center City firm of Klevan & Abramowitz. That all came to an end last December when senior partner Mitchell Klevan discovered evidence that Abramowitz had been depositing client funds into his personal account and diverting firm funds for his own purposes.

Can worker be disciplined for wheelchair damage?

Q. One of our employees has intellectual delays and is in a motorized wheelchair. In the past year, he ran over a client’s foot and damaged the office walls numerous times, including punching through the drywall. We are at our wit’s end. Can we terminate him if he continues to cause damage or at least make him pay for wall repairs out of his paycheck?

Proactive steps to turn around workplace disputes

Many lawsuits result from relatively small, manageable disputes that weren’t dealt with directly, often because HR simply didn’t know what to do or feared making it worse. Kathy Perkins, one of the presenters of our webinar, “How to Resolve Workplace Conflict,” offers these proactive strategies for dealing with disruptive conflict.

Google’s 5 tools to lure and retain the best


Stock options and stocked kitchens aren’t the only reason employee turnover is so low at Google. While the online giant is legendary for its financial and “comfort” perks, you need to look beyond these to see its real retention tools. Shannon Deegan, Google’s director of People Operations, explained some of these at the SHRM conference in San Diego:

Annual performance reviews are still the norm

A survey of 500 HR professionals asked how often their organizations conduct formal performance appraisals of employees. The old-reliable yearly performance appraisal is still the standard. Find out other time frames that work for some organizations. Plus, tips for employees on how to get the greatest value from performance reviews.

Kobe-Wieland hit with ‘regarded-as-disabled’ suit

Copper tubing manufacturer Kobe-Wieland faces a disability discrimination suit for allegedly terminating Joseph Cardwell because it perceived him to be disabled when he was not.

One sex always does the dirty work? Be prepared to show that it’s essential


If supervisors disproportionally push either men or women to perform certain distasteful or dangerous tasks, you could face a sex discrimination claim. If that happens, you had better be prepared to show that gender is a bona fide occupational qualification for the tasks.

Hot fashion trend: Utah firm outlaws long pants for charity


Some people will give the shirts off their backs for a worthy cause. Employees of Salt Lake City-based Richter7 are giving their pants. This summer, managers issued an edict to employees: no pants. Instead, employees wore shorts, skirts, capris, sarongs and even kilts to the office and were encouraged to donate at least one pair of pants to a clothing drive for needy people in Utah.

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot! If you praise extra work, pay for it


Nonexempt employees are entitled to be paid for all the hours they work. Before issuing a performance appraisal that hails hourly employees for coming in early and staying late, make sure they were appropriately compensated. Otherwise, your praise may come back to haunt you.