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Employee Relations

Mopey workers? 8 ways to snap ’em out of it


The economy isn’t the only thing that’s in a slump these days. Plenty of workers are in the doldrums, too. They feel stuck in their jobs because new ones are hard to come by. They can’t afford to retire. So they’re not performing as well as employees who look at their jobs as labors of love. Here’s how HR can help get them back on track.

The 4 key factors to keep ’em happy & in their seats


The “at least I have a job” feeling is starting to wear off among employed Americans. After years of taking on new duties at their old pay, many are feeling overworked, underpaid and underpromoted. Two in five of them are seeking new jobs. Here are four key things your employees will look for elsewhere if you’re not providing it:

The HR I.Q. Test: October ’10

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

How to draft a social networking company policy

According to a recent survey, 22% of employees say they use some form of social networking five or more times per week, and 15% admit they access social networking while at work for personal reasons. Yet, only 22% of companies have a formal policy that guides employees in how they can use social networking at work. Here’s why you need one—and what it should include.

Planning for productivity: What time are workers at their best?

Tackle important projects in the morning and don’t plan brainstorming sessions for the afternoon. That’s the message of a new survey that says employee productivity peaks from 10 a.m. to noon and hits a wall from 4 to 5 p.m.

Bonuses bounce back, but bar is set higher


The days of organizations handing out bonuses like Halloween candy seem to be over. While employers have returned to awarding bonuses in 2010, they’re attaching more strings than ever and are more likely to look at “hard” financial performance metrics when making variable pay decisions.

9 strategies for unleashing employees’ creativity

Does your company’s success depend on employee innovation? It’s important for managers to let employees know they value initiative and creativity and that people who question will be rewarded—not labeled as troublemakers. Here are nine tips your managers can use to remove barriers to employee innovation.

Employee lied during internal investigation? That’s a firing offense you can act on


Employers know they must conduct prompt and thorough investigations once an employee complains about discrimination or harassment. The integrity of the investigative process depends on the honesty of all participants. You don’t have to tolerate employees who lie during an investigation, even if the lie is a minor one.

Poor attitude and work ethic? Don’t give that promotion


You want to promote the most capable and promising employees and encourage low performers to improve. That may mean pointing out some painful realities when an employee is passed over for promotion. Done sensitively, pointing out poor attitude and lack of a strong work ethic won’t fuel a lawsuit.

Taking FMLA leave may rule out performance bonus

Under the right circumstances, employers that pay discretionary bonuses based on actual performance don’t have to make the extra payments to employees on FMLA leave. Thus, a discretionary bonus based on performance during each quarter may not have to be paid if the employee didn’t work.