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Employee Relations

Ready to fire worker with poor attitude? Document examples before you deliver pink slip


If a supervisor believes an employee has such a negative attitude that it warrants firing, do your HR duty! Immediately ask for documentation of the problem. It can’t wait until after the termination occurs. After-the-fact, subjective assessments may not survive a court challenge.

Ensure FMLA leave doesn’t affect evaluations


When employees lose their jobs, they often look for a reason to sue. One common tactic is to argue that a layoff was used as an excuse to get rid of “unproductive” employees, especially those who take advantage of their right to FMLA leave. That’s why HR must develop a performance-appraisal system that documents that having taken FMLA leave wasn’t a factor when you evaluated employees’ work.

Different pay for men and women? Prepare to explain ‘other than sex’ factors

The federal Equal Pay Act (EPA) is supposed to ensure that men and women doing the same job aren’t paid differently based on their sex. But employees can’t win EPA lawsuits simply by comparing their rates of pay and job titles. Lots of factors unrelated to gender may in­­fluence pay.

How to manage employees who are grieving

When an employee experiences the death of a family member or close friend, it’s tempting for supervisors to take a hands-off approach to the em­­ployee’s grief. However, silently waiting for the em­­ployee’s emotional recovery isn’t the best strategy. Take the following four steps to sensitively manage grieving employees and their impact on co-workers.

Politics around the watercooler: Can you discipline ‘overly political’ workers?


While today’s Iowa caucuses feel like the end of a long campaign season, it’s really just the beginning of a heated political year … one that could spill over into your workplace. Follow these tips for handling political activity in your workplace and employees’ political advocacy outside of work.

Employee ideas help create a safer plant


Higher-ups at The Timken’s Co.’s Manchester, Conn., plant are leaving it to employees to find out what ails the power-transmission products firm—and to fix it. The organization recently took home top honors in a “Find It-Fix It Challenge” sponsored by the workplace-improvement organization Humantech.

Two employees involved in same incident? Punishment can differ if it’s not discriminatory


If two employees break the same workplace rule, they should receive the same punishment. But that doesn’t mean you can’t distinguish between degrees of culpability. It’s perfectly fine to terminate an employee who has a long history of rule breaking and retain another because it’s a first offense.

Manage health, retirement spending with employee education


As benefits continue to become a bigger portion of labor costs, employers are responding by offering more health education and financial advice to em­­ployees. According to a new report by WorldatWork, 45% of surveyed organizations report that senior executives consider turning em­­ployees into educated consumers of benefits a “very high” priority.

Motivate high performance by promising rewards

Employee recognition programs aren’t quite as popular as they once were, but the 86% of businesses that use them find that rewards and in­­centives can still spur sales, improve retention and employee loyalty, and raise productivity during an era of slim pay raises and uncertain bonuses.

Carefully track angry employee’s complaints

Do you have one of those em­­ployees who are never happy and always seem to find something to complain about? It may be tempting to ignore the constant complaining or chalk it all up to personality conflicts, but that would probably be a mistake. Carefully document the tension and your response.