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Employee Relations

Colorado wildfire victims get aid from employer

Lockheed Martin employees who lost homes and other property to Colorado wildfires over the summer got a little help from their employer—in the form of cash. Its Employee Disaster Relief Fund is maintained by employee and company donations and offers emergency, short-term assistance for food, temporary lodging and clothing.

Checks fly, banker goes to jail … and the bank fails

The former president of Pinehurst Bank in St. Paul will serve 42 months in federal prison following convictions on five counts of misapplying bank funds in a 2010 check-kiting scheme. The resulting losses forced the bank to close in May 2010.

Portsmouth couple sentenced for embezzling union funds

A union official will have 366 days to contemplate her actions after being convicted of embezzling from Portsmouth’s Carpenters Union Local 437.

Thorough investigation makes discipline stick


If you really agonize over termination decisions, here’s a reason to relax a little. Firing someone for wrong-doing doesn’t require you to be absolutely right about what happened. As long as you conduct a reasonable investigation and make the decision based on the facts as you understand them, a court won’t second-guess you.

Track poor behavior even after improvement


Some employees will permanently per­­form and behave better if they believe their jobs are at stake. But for others, the improvement is only temporary. That’s why it is important to track performance and behavior over time.

Even if you’re wrong, you can fire employee who’s on FMLA

Surprise! If you reasonably believe an employee who’s out on FMLA leave broke a workplace rule, you can fire him—even if it turns out you were wrong.

Make sure suspension policies apply equally to all

Sometimes, when investigating serious charges against an employee, it’s best to temporarily suspend him. If you use this approach, always do so uniformly and apply the same rules to similarly situated workers. Don’t, for example, suspend some with pay and others without.

Keeping the best: 11 ways to retain key talent

To thrive in today’s economy, employers must focus retention efforts on their highest performers. Here’s how:

Suggesting ways to improve isn’t discrimination

Some employees are hypersensitive to any criticism, even if it is constructive. That won’t turn a weak discrimination lawsuit into a winner. For example, if the employee receives a largely positive performance review that lists some areas in need of improvement, chances are the court will toss the case fast.

Do your employees trust their co-workers?

U.S. workers may not trust their boss, but they do trust their colleagues. More than a third of workers (34%) say they “very much” trust their work colleagues and another 38% say they “moderately” do, according to a survey by consultant Lee Hecht Harrison.