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Employee Relations

What workers want: Good pay, steady work

The Society for Human Resource Management’s most recent “Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement” survey asked employees which aspects of work they rate “very important” to job satisfaction. Here are the top 15.

Blue-collar workers dish on the downsides of their jobs

When asked to identify shortcomings of their work environment, employees in non-desk jobs cited the following.

Even legal marijuana takes a hit among co-workers

Regardless of marijuana’s legal status, 46% of U.S. workers would lose confidence in colleagues who smoke pot on their own time. That’s according to a new poll by Workplace Options, a wellness consulting firm.

Nearly one-third of employers expect workers to job-hop

Does job-hopping (working for various employers for a short period of time) carry the same stigma in today’s job market? Not necessarily, according to a new study from CareerBuilder.

Legal strategy: GM issues recall on dangerous words


According to an Associated Press report, General Motors is so worried about future litigation that it has ordered employees to stop using 68 specific terms in internal correspondence relating to safety issues.

Changing job assignment soon after hire? That may be deemed a demotion

Here’s a cautionary tale about changing a new employee’s job duties soon after hire. He or she may claim the real reason is discrimination if the change happened soon after a new boss discovered the employee belonged to a protected class.

Suspect an employee is being harassed? Ask if she wants an investigation

Some employees may be embarrassed when they experience sex­­ual harassment. They may feel too uncomfortable to come right out and repeat offensive comments they heard. What should HR do?

Happiness matters: The 10-step prescription to a more content, productive workforce

A recent Healthways Gallup Well-Being Index study showed a direct connection between employees’ well-being and their performance. The key tenets to a positive culture: Invest in employees’ relationships with managers. Cele­­brate strengths. Build a culture of positivity. Here’s how to do it.

Employers crack down on social media abuse

More than 70% of employers have disciplined employees for misuse of social media. Daniel Ornstein of the Proskauer law firm outlines ways to stop the headaches before they happen.

Out of sight, but not out of mind

Tele­­commuting can offer employers some potential advantages, but successful management of off-site employees takes some special consideration.