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Employee Relations

Changing job assignment soon after hire? That may be deemed a demotion

Here’s a cautionary tale about changing a new employee’s job duties soon after hire. He or she may claim the real reason is discrimination if the change happened soon after a new boss discovered the employee belonged to a protected class.

Suspect an employee is being harassed? Ask if she wants an investigation

Some employees may be embarrassed when they experience sex­­ual harassment. They may feel too uncomfortable to come right out and repeat offensive comments they heard. What should HR do?

Happiness matters: The 10-step prescription to a more content, productive workforce

A recent Healthways Gallup Well-Being Index study showed a direct connection between employees’ well-being and their performance. The key tenets to a positive culture: Invest in employees’ relationships with managers. Cele­­brate strengths. Build a culture of positivity. Here’s how to do it.

Employers crack down on social media abuse

More than 70% of employers have disciplined employees for misuse of social media. Daniel Ornstein of the Proskauer law firm outlines ways to stop the headaches before they happen.

Out of sight, but not out of mind

Tele­­commuting can offer employers some potential advantages, but successful management of off-site employees takes some special consideration.

Employers crack down on social media abuse

While the initial explosion in social media usage took em­­ployers (and their attorneys) off guard, more organizations now have clear employment policies—and they’re not shy about flexing them.

How to help employees who are grieving

When an employee suffers a death in the family, most employers offer some sort of bereavement leave, but it’s often informal. How employers respond during this time of need says a lot about how much they value their workers—and how much they recognize that employees’ aren’t just cogs in the workplace machine.

Women’s Economic Security Act adds major protections

Minnesota employers will have some new rules to follow after the state Legislature passed a bill aimed at re­­duc­­ing the gender pay gap and providing more protections to female employees.

Simple rules to post in your break room

In most workplaces, the break room is nothing more than a shared kitchen. That doesn’t mean it has to be gross. Tack these five simple rules on the break room bulletin board.

MTA shocker! Could cronyism, nepotism have led to ouster?

Charges of cronyism and nepotism followed a Metropolitan Transit Authority security chief out the door following a meeting with the head of the MTA, which runs public transportation in the New York City area.