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Discipline / Investigations

Before firing, make sure you treated others just the same


Before you fire any employee, double-check to make sure others who performed just as poorly or made similar mistakes were also terminated. Doing so may prevent a lawsuit … or, if you are sued, at least provide evidence that you treat everyone alike.

Make sure HR reviews each firing in advance


When it comes to termination, courts cut employers lots of slack—if employers can show they sincerely believed they were firing an employee for good reasons. You can show that good faith by having HR review all disciplinary actions, especially double-checking on termination decisions before they are finalized.

Check reason before approving post-complaint discipline


Employees who complain about alleged discrimination by a supervisor can set up a retaliation claim if they are disciplined or otherwise punished shortly after complaining. Relying solely on the say-so of the boss the employee initially complained about may cause trouble if that supervisor’s reasons are flimsy.

It takes two to have an argument—suspend both when beefs get out of hand


It’s a fact of life: Employees get into arguments at work. Obviously, you can’t let a situation get out of hand. But be careful how you discipline the individuals. That’s especially important if there’s no clear evidence about who said what to whom. If you decide to suspend one employee, suspend the other one, too.

Doc dumped over doughnut dig


Considering the toll the obesity epidemic takes on Americans’ health, you’d think Dr. Jason Newsom’s bosses in Panama City would be happy with his campaign to educate the public about the dangers of obesity. Fat chance. While attacking sweet tea, burgers and fries was all right, it was doughnuts that doomed the doc.

Beware discipline for FMLA-related tardiness


It may be terribly annoying and very disruptive, but it is also the law: Employees eligible for intermittent FMLA leave are entitled to take that leave at the beginning of their scheduled shifts if they need to. While that may make them late for work, you can’t punish that tardiness as long as the employee follows your call-in policies and the underlying reason for being late is related to intermittent FMLA leave.

Chicago investment guru ‘stripped’ of $50 million


The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a $50 million judgment against Chicago investment advisor John Orecchio for using money from six union pensions for his own private business interests. According to the SEC, Orecchio used pension assets to pay for private jet travel, Super Bowl tickets, construction at his Michigan horse farm and renovations to a Detroit strip club he owns.

Don’t let FMLA request stop legit discipline


Employees sometimes think taking FMLA leave—or even just asking for the time off—protects them from being disciplined or discharged. Not so. Employers are free to discipline or discharge employees if they can show they would have taken the same action even if the employee never asked for or received FMLA leave.

What’s going on? How to conduct a workplace investigation


Disputes between co-workers and between employees and their bosses are almost inevitable—which is why every HR professional must know how to gather the necessary facts to find out what’s going on. Whether it is a small inquiry or a weighty investigation into serious allegations of misconduct, being deliberate and intentional about an investigation will create a more helpful and less disruptive process.

Punish those who use ethnic slurs—whether it’s intended to offend or not


Some employees aren’t very sophisticated—so unsophisticated they may use terms they don’t fully realize are offensive to others. But ignorance is no excuse: You can and should punish employees who use language that stereotypes or demeans co-workers.