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Discipline / Investigations

Consistently apply progressive discipline

Progressive discipline may end up becoming a trap for employers that don’t scrupulously honor the underlying purpose of the rule being implemented.

OK to discipline for bullying online posts

If you have solid policy guidance on proper workplace behavior, you shouldn’t worry too much about punishing abusive or offensive online behavior that crosses the line into bullying or worse.

Absolute proof not required, just good faith

As long as you conduct a fair and impartial investigation aimed at getting to the truth, courts don’t demand that you get every fact right.

Treat cases independently when employee being disciplined files complaint of her own

Sometimes, an employee facing discipline will fight back with allegations of her own. Handle those allegations separately from any pending disciplinary action, and be sure to carefully document each step of both processes.

Every time, be ready to justify why you disciplined

Generally, you should enforce workplace rules as equally as possible.

Beware hasty decisions, investigate all the angles

After investigating a workplace incident but before making a final decision, consider hiring a neutral investigator to assess what really happened.

Apply this fair and firm 5-step progressive discipline policy

A progressive discipline system is the most reliable way to protect your organization from wrongful termination charges.

Harassment investigations: What to ask

When investigating an employee’s complaint of harassment—sexual or otherwise—tailor your inquiries to the facts of that case.

Patience key to lawsuit-proof firing decisions

When a fired employee sues you, winning often depends on careful documentation that demonstrates how her performance did not meet your standards.

Compare planned discipline with previous incidents

When it comes to discipline, the key is equitable enforcement. Otherwise, someone might sue.