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Use the right words to silence pay-Related gripes


How do employees at your organization feel about their compensation? If the answer is “Not good,” a bit of explanation from you or their supervisors can calm those troubled waters and help reduce turnover …

Communicate payroll-Card benefits to help trim turnover


When employees are "unbanked"—i.e., they don’t have bank accounts into which your organization can deposit their wages—they’re more likely to quickly jump ship for another job. To serve the nation’s 56 million citizens who don’t have traditional bank accounts, more organizations are using payroll cards, which are being credited with reducing turnover as well

Help employees keep their work/Life resolutions


The top three New Year’s resolutions for people: 1. Strike a better balance between work and home life. 2. Exercise more. 3. Avoid bad relationships. Your organization can’t help workers avoid disastrous dates, but it can help with the first two items

Link staff to the mission: Offer them your service, product


Need an inexpensive benefit and an easy way to boost morale? Allow employees to partake in the services your organization provides to customers (either for free or at a reduced price)

Can you block workers e-Chats about pay, union?


Even if you have a fairly restrictive e-mail and Internet policy, you probably allow employees a certain amount of latitude in sending personal e-mail. If so, be aware that you should also allow employees to use that system to discuss your organization’s pay, benefits and working conditions, plus any union-organizing efforts

Rethink your career development initiatives


According to a new survey by consulting firm BlessingWhite, 41 percent of executives and managers say their employers’ approach to career development fails to meet their personal needs …

6 subtle communication gaffes even smart HR pros make


Here are six common communication mistakes that people—especially professional women—make in the workplace, according to communications consultant Colette Carlson

Case study: Give workers the power to reshape their jobs and goals


Most organizations stick to traditional management approaches, largely because they don’t trust employees with control. But studies consistently show that employees who set their own goals work harder to accomplish them and are happier with their jobs. Here are some practical tips for empowering your employees.

Study: Female directors not paid equally at western Pa. nonprofits


Men who lead nonprofits in western Pennsylvania earn about $42,000 more on average than women who do so, according to a recent study by the Robert Morris University’s Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management …

10 ways to squeeze more value from your EAP


Is your organization reaping the full financial benefits from its employee assistance program (EAP)? If employees aren’t using it, the answer is probably “no” …