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What happens if we fail to provide COBRA notice upon termination?


Q. What kinds of penalties or liability does an employer face if it fails to provide notice of COBRA coverage upon termination of an employee?

When does ‘I quit’ mean ‘Help, I’m disabled’?


If you know an employee is suffering from depression, don’t be so quick to accept his or her hasty resignation, a new court ruling shows. Instead, you may need to identify this person as “disabled” under the ADA and, therefore, engage in an interactive process to find a work accommodation.

Tactics for tough times: 5 techniques for managing part-time employees

As U.S. companies struggle to weather the recession, many are cutting back employee hours. In fact, part-timers now make up 5% of the workforce. Using part-timers may make economic sense, but it can give supervisors fits. Here are five ways to get the most out of part-time workers.

You don’t have to guarantee absolutely cordial treatment


Although we all might wish for perfect harmony at work, that isn’t realistic. As long as there’s no obvious or thinly veiled race, sex or other underlying discrimination at work, it doesn’t matter if a supervisor isn’t very friendly with some employees.

Communicating during tough times: 7 common employee gripes (and how to respond)


The global financial meltdown has workers fearful and downright angry. If you plan on surviving the recession, your managers must acknowledge the fear and anger employees may feel. Don’t let these seven gripes pollute your workplace.

Understand, prepare to follow the new revised FMLA regulations


The long-awaited revised and updated final rules of the U.S. Department of Labor interpreting the FMLA will go into effect on Jan.16. HR specialists should read the new regulations and then review them with an employment attorney. Also, they should promptly develop special training on new rules and procedures for supervisors and employees alike.

10 ways Generation Y will change the workplace


There’s no doubt Generation Y will fundamentally change corporate America. It’s already started. Managing Gen Y is a hot topic among consultants, HR executives and talent management professionals. For a Gen Y’er like me, this is great news. We’re primed to change the workplace for the better. Here’s how we’ll do it.

‘Dream survey’ clues Las Vegas firm to employee hopes, needs


Station Casino executives want to know what their employees dream about. A 20-question “dream survey” asks workers at the Las Vegas-based organization questions like, “Do you dream of owning your own house?” and “Do you dream of owning your own computer?” Here’s what their answers led the organization to do.

Federal employment: Training in how to complain pays off


Smart employers make sure their employees know the rules by providing information several ways.

What’s this I’ve heard about employers doing away with performance evaluations?


Q. Is it becoming a practice among employers to quit conducting employee evaluations?