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Proceed with caution when regulating the virtual water cooler

Just because your employees work remotely doesn’t mean you’re free of the old-fashioned gossip, squabbles and office politics that have always been a hazard of in-person work environments. In fact, telework may have actually intensified the risks for employers.

Is HR your ‘manager complaint department’?

Stop doing your managers’ dirty work! Teach bosses who instinctively turn to HR to, instead, seek solutions on their own. Here are four tips to make this happen.

5 essential questions to ask your employees

Don’t wait until you spot performance problems or the telltale signs of disenchantment. Take time to regularly sit down with workers to ask questions that get to the heart of their role with the company. Here are five essential questions to ask, as suggested by Susan Scott, author of Fierce Con­ver­sa­tions: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time.

Why successful managers make 360 communication their top priority

Unlike one-way communication, where information only flows from the top down or bottom up, 360 communication fosters open, transparent communication between peers, superiors, subordinates, clients and other stakeholders. It involves communication that flows vertically, from top to bottom and vice versa, and horizontally among peers and across departments.

8 steps to becoming the manager your employees need

In an effort to “empower” their staffs, too many managers take a completely hands-off approach, leaving employees alone unless they really need help. But this can create a rudderless ship, says management expert Bruce Tulgan. That’s not leadership! Here’s how effective managers provide genuine support to their employees.

5 ways to eliminate incivility among team members

Ever feel like some of your employees slept through that elementary school presentation on the Golden Rule? It might be up to you to reteach it—and fast.

Writing job descriptions: An 8-question checklist

Inaccurate or incomplete job descriptions can create costly legal risks. Here are eight questions managers should ask themselves when drafting a job description.

‘Selling’ benefits: 5 ways to repackage perks & increase participation

The two keys to greater use of your work/life benefits: constant communication and the right kind of communication. Here are five suggestions to achieve those goals.

Here’s how to stop those passive-aggressive emails

In a study of 1,000 Americans conducted by Preply, a language and corporate communication tutoring service, 83% said they have received a passive-aggressive email in work communication. Furthermore, 44 percent of respondents confess to having sent passive-aggressive messages in their professional capacities. Managers know better than to do such a thing, right? Not always.

Stopping harassment is mandatory, warning employees maybe not

Employers are required to stop harassment when it occurs by taking reasonable actions such as disciplining the harasser. But do employers have an obligation to warn other employees about harassers in their midst?