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Customizing feedback: The 9 different personality types


Ever notice how you can say the same exact thing to two different people, and they each take the comment completely differently? The best managers know how to give feedback to different employees. Here are nine personality types and how to handle them:

7 ways to limit your social media liability


Online social networking sites provide a variety of benefits to organizations. They can help you collect industry-based knowledge, reach new customers, build your brand and publicize your company’s name and reputation. But those benefits come with their fair share of legal risks. You need a comprehensive social media policy to guide employees on your expectations about their online behavior.

Make up training deficits with mentoring

A recent HR Specialist online poll found that 42% of training budgets that were slashed in the recession haven’t yet rebounded. Mentoring can help close the training gap, and improve recruitment, retention and career development—and the bottom line.

Motivate employees through better communication


When it comes to retaining and motivating employees, compensation is important, but communication is key. Especially for a company with a combination of on-site and virtual employees, regular, required communication between management and staff—and among peers—is essential.

Art helps employees better understand their colleagues

Employees of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services are tapping their inner art critics to better understand their co-workers. In partnership with the Detroit Institute of Arts, the company is exposing workers to the work of artistic masters in a setting where they can express their views on the artwork—and learn about their colleagues.

10 ways to give employees something to smile about


The greatest compliment CEO Paul Spiegelman gets from candidates who apply for jobs at his company comes in the form of a question: Why is everyone smiling? He says the answer is simple: They’re happy. Here are 10 tips for creating a culture of fun in your workplace:

Are your employees ready for retirement? 6 smart steps

How many of your retirement-age em­­ployees are just hanging around so they can receive benefits and collect paychecks, simply because they can’t afford to stop working? It’s in employers’ best interests to improve the retirement outcomes for their employees by creating a culture of retirement readiness.

The ‘Great Boss’ checklist: How do you rate?

Great bosses aren’t born, they’re made. Becoming a great boss requires honest self-analysis and periodic reassessments. The following check­­list was designed to guide you in that analysis. Use it to take stock of your people skills. Be honest with yourself.

Warn bosses: Your snarky email could cost us a lawsuit


It used to be that managers picked up the phone when seeking HR’s input on how to handle an employee problem. These days, they send an email. That can spell big trouble. Email, unlike a phone conversation, leaves a perfect record of what transpired. And courts don’t hesitate to use email as evidence.

10 ways to help employees feel less overwhelmed


Employees who survived the downturn have absorbed work left behind by laid-off co-workers. “Overwhelmed” is here to stay. As an HR pro, you might not be able to help employees embrace that sad fact, but you definitely can help them manage it. Here’s how: