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Smart strategies for surviving this fall’s open enrollment

Open enrollment for health insurance benefits is an inevitable autumn ritual that can cause great stress for HR and for your employees. It usually comes at the busiest time of the year, when HR pros—along with everyone else—are tending to year-end deadlines. Smooth the process by implementing these strategies.

How to fix a department problem

If you or your organization’s executive team must call an entire department on the carpet for an overall workplace problem, don’t let the “defeat” become demotivating.

10 low-cost communication tips to start open enrollment right

With benefits election open-enrollment season looming at organizations across the country, make sure you avoid the mistake too many employers make: plopping a benefits booklet in front of employees and telling them to figure it out. That just doesn’t work anymore. Benefits have become too complex for employees to figure them out on their own. Here are 10 ways you can do a better job of communicating with your employees.

High-quality feedback is a must for employee retention

High-quality feedback involves more than just superficial communication; it requires openness and honesty. Tell your people which parts of their job they’re performing well, but make sure they know where they have gaps and how to close them.

Try a better way to hear employees’ complaints

Chronic griping can certainly drain your energy and time. However, some complaints are worthy of your attention. Don’t try to silence them all. Instead, listen to employees—but don’t solve their problems.

Promote respectful workplace communications with 10 actionable strategies

You’re not alone if you’re concerned about maintaining a civil workplace during the run-up to elections this fall. Some employers have considered banning political discussions altogether, but that approach can backfire. Bernadette Jones, co-founder and CEO of HR consulting firm Visionova, has a more effective approach to ensure respectful workplace conversations. She offers these 10 actionable strategies.

Help wanted: Your employees want you to stop incivility in its tracks

The impact of incivility on the workplace is staggering. Perhaps most alarming is that 66% of workers believe their managers prioritize business objectives over respectful treatment, while 62% report managers are ignoring uncivil acts. This leadership gap exacerbates the problem, as those experiencing incivility are twice as likely to perpetuate it. Here’s how to break this cycle and cultivate civility.

How to counsel employees who have personal problems

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Beyond the punchline: Create a culture of appropriate humor

When used correctly, humor can lighten the mood, build relationships and even increase job satisfaction. However, it’s essential to strike the right balance to avoid potential pitfalls. Here are some key strategies for fostering an environment where humor is appropriate and beneficial.

The 10 most-detested business clichés of 2024

Business buzzwords come and go. Employees wish these 10 corporate clichés would vanish, according to outplacement firm Careerminds.com, which commissioned a poll of 3,000 workers. Pass them around to your managers, spread the word and erase them from your vocabulary.