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Work / Life Issues

Help returning workers handle sticker shock

You probably can help returning employees by subsidizing some of the higher costs associated with coming into the office. Here are some ideas to consider.

Remote workers struggle with work-life boundaries

For many, the shift to remote work during the pandemic offered increased flexibility and work-life balance. But a new survey reveals that 47% of remote workers in the U.S. are concerned about the blurred boundaries between their jobs and personal lives.

Employees are burning out. Are alternative work arrangements the answer?

Alternative work arrangements may ease employees’ return to the physical workplace. Consider your options carefully.

Pandemic has women rethinking the role of work

Sixty-five percent of women responding to a recent survey by the Gartner advisory firm said the pandemic made them rethink the place work should have in their lives.

Snapshot: Most baby boomers want semi-retirement

Most working baby boomers say they don’t want to fully retire. Here’s what they want instead.

Pandemic fundamentally altered our perspectives

We’re different now than we were before the pandemic began in 2020, according to a survey of 1,752 Americans by the Gartner business advisory firm.

Demand for well-being benefits has increased

Most HR leaders—61%—say demand for well-being programs has increased in recent months, and 63% say employee utilization of the programs is increasing, according to the WorldatWork total rewards association.

Wellness perks evolving to reflect today’s concerns

Smart employers are looking to beef up wellness programs as they shop for next year’s plan. Three wellness trends are attracting employer attention in the run-up to open enrollment this fall: mental health services, telehealth and workplace safety.

Do your obligations follow digital nomads?

Many employees who worked remotely through the pandemic will soon begin returning to work in person this fall. Before then, however, many of your pandemic teleworkers are likely planning to hit the road this summer—and taking their laptops with them as they can continue to work remotely from some location away from home. Here’s what to consider before giving them the green light.

Help hard-working staff recharge this summer

Last summer there was nowhere to go and no one to go with. Thanks to vaccinations, things are looking up this summer. Make it easy for your employees to disconnect, whether that’s to take a much-needed real vacation or just leave work on Friday afternoon so they can enjoy the weekend with friends and family.