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Work / Life Issues

On-Site RN Saves Time, Expense


SRA International Inc. in Fairfax, Va., provides an on-site RN whom employees and their families may visit or call with all kinds of medical and wellness issues …

Boost health screening turnout with mix of carrots, sticks


More employers are turning to incentives and penalties to increase participation in on-site health-risk assessments. Attracting employees to this first step can improve their health, which cuts your costs. Use the advice below to choose the best approach for your organization …

Heed the Legal Risks of Employee Weight-Loss Programs


Forcing your well-meaning health-improvement plan could backfire. Discrimination and privacy issues could derail your goal. Immunize your program against potential legal ills using these five tips …

Design smoker surcharges to cut costs, preserve morale


More employers are increasing health premiums for smokers as a way to cut health costs. Such surcharges can trim costs, but implementation mistakes can alienate employees and hurt morale. Use the following tips to design smoker surcharges that reduce the most costs with the least employee backlash …

Inject more oversight, responsibility into flex schedules


With flexible schedules reaching near-entitlement status, some employers are pulling in the reins on this runaway perk.
A tighter and clearer flex-schedule policy can help you regain control over the benefit and increase productivity …

How to cope with seriously ill employees

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Smaller organizations: Promote your size in recruiting


A CollegeGrad.com survey of 500 recent college graduates asked, "Which size company you’d most like to work for?" The response: 70 percent favored small to midsize companies …

More States Push Workplace Conscientious-Objector Laws


State legislatures in about 20 states are actively considering legislation that would provide new legal protections to health care employees who refuse to provide care that conflicts with their personal beliefs …

EAP phone therapy is legit, but choose vendors wisely


EAP-provided telephone counseling is controversial but becoming more common. Still, quality varies among vendors. Screen potential teletherapy providers carefully using the following six questions …

Plan Ahead for Take-the-Kids-to-Work Day: April 27


Annually, the fourth Thursday in April (April 27 this year) is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, hosted by the Ms. Foundation for Women. To head off requests and confusion about whether/when the kids can come, establish some ground rules …