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Work / Life Issues

It’s almost open enrollment, so let’s talk wellness benefits

The only tax-free wellness benefit is reducing the monthly premiums employees pay for their major medical coverage. But there’s a darker flipside to wellness benefits that some employees won’t like: surcharges on employees’ major medical coverage for those who smoke tobacco.

Retaining top talent, managing higher costs driving employers’ benefits strategies

Eighty percent of employers surveyed by Willis Towers Watson said competition for talent is the top priority influencing their benefits strategy right now. The second highest priority: managing higher costs, cited by 67% of employers. Coming in third and fourth were a focus on inclusion and diversity (cited by 41%) and caring for employees’ mental health (39%).

What striking down student-loan forgiveness might mean for employers

On June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the Biden administration’s plan to forgive up to $20,000 in student-loan debt for millions of Americans was not legally permissible. The decision in Biden v. Nebraska has implications for employers as well as former college students.

Offer pay to play: Vacation stipends encourage staff to take time off to recharge

This summer is shaping up to be the season of post-COVID vacations. Employers are actively encouraging employees to take long-delayed vacations. Some are even adding financial incentives in the form of vacation stipends. They are literally paying employees extra to go on vacation.

Child care costs working parents 27% of household income

On average, working families spend 27% of their household income on child care, according to Care.com’s 10th annual Cost of Care report. For 59% of parents, the annual cost of child care will top $18,000.

Help employees get out from under the crushing burden of student-loan debt

Chances are, your most valuable employees are eager to improve their skills and advance their educations. But many employees hesitate to obtain undergraduate or graduate degrees because higher education is so expensive. Employers can address the fear of incurring student-loan debt by offering to offset at least some educational expenses with a tuition-reimbursement program.

STOP! Do not pass go without checking with Payroll first

Employees shouldn’t be bored or discontented at work, because bored and discontented employees aren’t productive employees. But the phrase employee engagement, like the employee experience, seems like a euphemistic way of saying motivation. Why not just say motivation?

Bereavement leave: How to manage time off when an employee’s loved one dies

Is HR’s focus on leave related to childbirth misplaced? According to the Census Bureau, there were more deaths than births in most U.S. counties during the 12 months that ended June 30, 2022. Any employer that offers reasonable bereavement leave—especially paid leave—sets itself apart as a workplace that values work-life balance.

As workforce demographics change, consider offering benefits to help employees start families

If you’re like most employers, chances are your workforce is changing. With baby boomers retiring, it’s likely skewing somewhat younger. The benefits you offer may need to change if you expect to stay competitive in an incredibly tight hiring environment. Here are some possible benefit additions.

A father-daughter chat about money and financial literacy

April is National Financial Literacy Month. Payroll is the company department holding employees’ money, so take some time to educate them about it.