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Work / Life Issues

Got mental health benefits? Spread the word


According to the nonprofit Partnership for Workplace Mental Health, more than 40% of employees who work for organizations with mental health benefits don’t know anything about them. Yet they’re keenly aware when workplace stress takes its toll on their productivity and happiness …

Want healthy employees? Offer a flexible workplace


The advantages of a healthier work force are many—fewer sick days, higher productivity and less-painful health insurance costs. But how can employers encourage a healthier lifestyle without nagging? One surprising way: allow flexible scheduling, such as job sharing, telecommuting and compressed workweeks …

7 ways to get the most out of Millennial employees

In today’s workplace, many supervisors have to manage people from four different generations, all of which respond to different kinds of carrots, sticks and management styles. The breakdown: Traditional workers: born before 1946 Baby Boomers: 1946–1964 Generation X: 1965–1979 Millennials: 1980–1995 According to anecdotal information and research (see box below), managers in U.S. organizations are […]

Family responsibilities discrimination poses complex quandary


When employers make employment decisions based on sex stereotypes about caregivers or favor employees who don’t have family responsibilities, affected employees can successfully sue for family responsibilities discrimination (FRD) …

5 trends will shape compensation & benefits in 2008


You’re probably under pressure to reduce benefits costs as your organization tries to remain competitive in the marketplace. But don’t neglect your competitiveness in the race to attract and retain the best employees. They’re probably looking for even better benefits to offset static pay raises. Five key issues are emerging in 2008 for compensation and benefits professionals …

Work/Afterlife balance? Benefit helps staff plan funerals


Your organization might offer (or have considered) a concierge service to help employees buy gifts, run errands and plan parties. The newest player in that field can help them plan funerals …

7 ways for employers—Big or small—To recruit & retain in ’08


f you work for a large organization, get ready to fight with small ones for your employees. If you work for a small organization, get ready to spend more on the pay and benefits that will lure big-company stars over to your shop …

Options help Xerox staff cope with illness


When illness strikes a family member, worry and stress can hurt job performance. Xerox helps employees manage complex diagnoses with a patient advocacy program …

Social responsibility drives Calvert Group benefits


The Calvert Group encourages people to invest the minute they’re born. The mutual fund company gives employees who become moms and dads a $1,000 baby bonus to invest in a Calvert account. “It certainly makes sense given what we do as a company,” says Kathy Torrence, VP of corporate social responsibility …

First National Bank makes meals, life easier for employees


Long hours at work can leave little time to prepare dinner, so First National Bank delivers frozen, home-cooked meals right to their desks …