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Work / Life Issues

Swaddling the cost of child care


Cheaper child care is increasingly necessary as budgets tighten, says Lisa Belkin, a New York Times reporter who covers workplace issues. Here are some of the creative ways working families are reducing the costs.

7 unique employee benefits programs


From surveys of employees’ lifelong dreams to alumni reunions to baby showers for moms-to-be, here’s a rundown of seven innovative benefits practices employers are using to reward and retain the staff they need. They’re compiled from the popular "What’s Working" pages of HR Specialist‘s Compensation & Benefits newsletter.

3 steps to jumpstart your company’s wellness program


As health insurance costs skyrocket, even as benefits dwindle, so does the trend toward employers setting up wellness programs—71% of U.S. employers offered such programs in 2008. Here’s how to make the case for establishing a wellness program in your workplace, plus initial steps to put the plan in motion.

Assess needs of employees, business before offering perks


Work/life benefits can help take the edge off employee stress during a time when people fear their jobs aren’t secure and managers are pressing workers to produce more with less. Still, it’s especially important during an economic downturn for organizations to limit benefits to those that will help them meet their bottom-line goals.

‘Dream survey’ clues Las Vegas firm to employee hopes, needs


Station Casino executives want to know what their employees dream about. A 20-question “dream survey” asks workers at the Las Vegas-based organization questions like, “Do you dream of owning your own house?” and “Do you dream of owning your own computer?” Here’s what their answers led the organization to do.

Survey: Work site wellness works


Work site wellness programs are more popular than ever because they are an economical way to offset rising employee health care costs, according to an American Heart Association survey.

Stress test: 9 questions to find out if you’re a victim or a master


Everyone’s stressed these days—whether from financial worries or just the looming holidays. Some thrive on stress, but for others it’s an emotional and productivity drain. Here’s a simple self-assessment you can do to gauge your stress level—and do something about it.

Office gifts: From weird to wonderful


Santa’s not the only one delivering presents this holiday season. Nearly eight out of 10 executives say some form of gift giving occurs in their offices. But it’s not all bottles of wine and Target gift cards out there. Read on for some of the weirdest gifts that ever sat under the office tree … and some good ones too.

Job sharing allows young parents to work half-time at Atlanta firm


Recruiters and account managers can work half-time at Matrix Resources, an IT staffing firm in Atlanta. The organization created job-sharing teams several years ago, allowing two employees to share one job so each can work half-time.

Stuart bike commuter confronts unexpected hazard


High gas prices have driven many commuters to consider alternative transportation, and many are choosing to get to work on their bicycles. That can be risky business …