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Work / Life Issues

Half of employees have 3-month rainy-day cushion

Only 20% of American families had liquid savings of more than three months of their family income.

What education benefits do employers offer?

Tuition assistance to help employees take undergraduate and graduate college courses remains the most common education-related benefit.

Flex time provides recruiting edge for 61% of employers

A survey of 150 HR professionals found that 61% offer some sort of flexible work option to attract talent.

One-third of employers offer student debt benefits

Employers are offering more help to employees weighed down by student debt, a burden carried by about 70% of college graduates.

Support grows for mandatory paid leave plans

Ten states and the District of Columbia already require employers to offer paid sick leave to employees. Several more states are considering similar legislation.

Data from fitness wearables going to wellness programs

About 20% of employers now participate in wellness programs that rely on collecting data from fitness trackers worn by employees, up from 14% in 2017.

4 key benefit trends to watch for in 2019

Some of the benefit trends to watch this year, according to the Society for Human Resource Management.

Study: Wellness programs depend on leaders’ support

Employee wellness initiatives are more successful when organizational leaders are visibly supportive and involved, according to a new study of 1,000 employers.

New benefits emerge to suit changing needs

Employers are broadening the scope of their employee benefits offerings to meet the changing demands of their workforce.

Employees seek flexible work arrangements for the holidays

Fifty-one percent of employees are uncomfortable asking their manager for time off during the holidays, according to a new study from West Monroe Partners.