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Wages & Hours

Steakhouse staff worked to the bone for lean pay

Raleigh’s Brasa Brazilian Steak-house will pay $68,482 to 18 workers after the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division found the steakhouse failed to pay workers overtime when they worked more than 40 hours in a week.

From New York to New Mexico: It’s legal to adjust pay based on local standards


Don’t let pay concerns get in the way of a transfer. Feel free to adjust compensation to account for different market rates in different locations. Courts have said it’s perfectly fine to adjust salaries to suit local standards. Just make sure your compensation decisions are consistent when it comes to protected characteristics.

Time traps when employees clock in before shift starts

Q. Some of our employees punch in 30 minutes before their shifts are scheduled to begin, and by doing so, they’re racking up overtime. They’ve been told many times not to do this, but they don’t listen. Do we have to pay them for the time after they clock in but before their shifts begin?

San Francisco grocer held too much green

The San Francisco grocery store chain Casa Guadalupe and its owner have agreed to pay more than $120,000 to settle a wage-and-hour lawsuit filed by the DOL. The owner admitted to investigators that he willfully failed to issue time-and-a-half overtime pay to employees who worked more than 40 hours in a week.

Employers have leeway in docking exempts’ pay

Employees must receive a guaranteed salary of $455 a week and perform exempt duties to be exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime provisions. But that doesn’t mean you can never dock their pay.

Do we need to track hours for pieceworkers?


Q. We are doing an internal review of our recordkeeping, and we realized that we track hours for our on-site transcriptionists but we have not been tracking the hours for our transcriptionists who work from home. The on-site employees are non­exempt and we pay them an hourly wage. However, the remote employees are paid piece rates—a certain rate for the number of words transcribed from dictation. Do we have to keep track of their hours?

Good deeds punished: Back OT due in Mankato

Several construction companies working on a renovation of the student union ballroom on the Mankato campus of Minnesota State University will have to pay more than $38,000 in back overtime wages. To blame: overly generous scheduling practices.

Should we allow employees to use DOL’s timekeeping app for smartphones?


Q. We have heard that the U.S. Department of Labor has issued a timekeeping app that allows employees to track their time on smartphones. Should we permit employees to use this in our workplace?

Richardson Doubletree Hotel settles wage-and-hour suit

The Doubletree Hotel in Richardson has agreed to pay 112 employees $102,592 to settle charges it violated the Fair Labor Standards Act.

DOL says ‘bah, humbug’ to Christmas lights installer


Some may see this as part of the Obama administration’s alleged “war on Christmas.” In reality it was a simple enforcement action. The DOL recently played the Grinch by filing a lawsuit against a Dallas company that installs and removes Christmas lights.